Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30
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Zach Legere, Zach Adams and Sereena Rambaran highlight their bass fishing bass but improvements in one's casting techniques!  Check it out!
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Jared, Bryson and Devan put together some great photos of them catching no bass but having some fun on the water...check them out!

Posted: June 5, 2014

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Zach Adams and Zach Legere has put togther a video that highlights the Owl Dissection Lab...check it out!

Posted: June 5, 2014

Thanks to Jonathan Ginnish for putting together this PowerPoint that summarizes the 2014 NSER Fly Fishing Fair...check it out!
Check out the latest eco-point activities that have been posted.  Today we worked on completing these activties (deadline is tomorrow) and exam review (see yesterday's lesson for Unit 3 review).\  

Posted: June 4, 2014

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Sereena has documented the sights and sounds around MVHS...check it out!
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MSA Biologist Alex Parker demonstrates the dissection of a salmon smolt...check it out!
Jonathan's Words... "I went for a cruise by the Red Bank Heritage Park last weekend when I seen some garbage by a nice fishing spot. I decided to pick it up and tidy up the location.'"
Thanks to Julia Augustine for highlighting these two events...check it out!
We passed back marked rubrics for the presentation along with the peer revie comments.  Also passed back the labeled salmon from the dissection lab.  Check out lesson for the handout that was passed out on both external and internal anatomy of teh salmon.  Here are the main topics that could be on the exam from Unit 3... -  Life Cycle of an Atlantic Salmon (see ASF poster and Zach Adams/Zach Legere's video) -  Predators to the Atlantic Salmon (know names of species and see homework exercise) -  Watershed Terminoolgy (see handout) -  4 essential items for a healthy fish stock  (see handout) -  salmon scale identification (see Zach Legere's video and lab assignment) -  4 types of current found in a river (Eddy, Pool, Riffle, Undercut) -  external anatomy of a salmon (see today's handout along with lab assignment) ***Be sure to use unit 1 and 2 tests/reviews for exam preparation.
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Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


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