Posted: December 15, 2016
- finished credit cards
- discussed Lines of Credit
HOMEWORK: p. 552 #1, 2, 3, 4, 10
Posted: December 15, 2016
- finished credit cards
- discussed Lines of Credit
HOMEWORK: p. 552 #1, 2, 3, 4, 10
Posted: December 15, 2016
- finished credit cards
- discussed Lines of Credit
HOMEWORK: p. 552 #1, 2, 3, 4, 10
Posted: December 15, 2016
- predators of the Atlantic Salmon
HOMEWORK: Research paper is DUE!
Posted: December 14, 2016
- loans using the TI-84 app
- discussion of credit cards and solving with app
HOMEWORK: p. 538 #1 - 4
Posted: December 14, 2016
- loans using the TI-84 app
- discussion of credit cards and solving with app
HOMEWORK: p. 538 #1 - 4
Posted: December 14, 2016
LAB: Salmon smolt to come later!
Posted: December 13, 2016
- reviewed borrowing money concepts.
- discussed payments when borrowing money & using TI-84 App to solve
HOMEWORK: p. 530 #4, 7 - 10, 13, 15, 16, 17
Posted: December 13, 2016
- reviewed borrowing money concepts.
- discussed payments when borrowing money & using TI-84 App to solve
HOMEWORK: p. 530 #4, 7 - 10, 13, 15, 16, 17
Posted: December 13, 2016
- discussion of lab...external & internal anatomy
- adaptations of the salmon
***LAB will be tomorrow...dissecting 2 adult salmon and 15 smolts ><> ><> ><> Thanks to Mitch from Cooke Aquaculture for the delivery today!
Posted: December 9, 2016
- discussion of borrowing money and interest being charged now!
- check out lesson for examples
HOMEWORK: p. 530 #1, 2, 3, 5, 6