Mr. Svarc

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: December 9, 2010

Microsoft Office document icon gentics_research_0.doc57 KB

Posted: December 8, 2010

Please use the following template to complete your genetic assignment for next Friday, December 17th.
Microsoft Office document icon gentics_research.doc49.5 KB

Posted: December 7, 2010

Genetics research project is due next Friday, December 17th.   See me if you have any questions.

Posted: November 25, 2010

Genetics problem #11, page 585. Case study-A Murder Mystery.  In a paragraph, explain who the killer is.

Posted: November 24, 2010

Complete 9 and 10 for tomorrow.
Microsoft Office document icon genetics_5.doc103 KB

Posted: November 23, 2010

Period 2-page 580, 5-8, and last page, 1-6. Period 4-page 580, 5,6, and last page 1-6.

Posted: November 23, 2010

Peer reviews due tomorrow.

Posted: November 22, 2010

Strand 4 outcome 1-Charity Sonier, Anne Gillis.

Posted: November 22, 2010

The attached assignment is due tomorrrow.
Microsoft Office document icon genetics_1.doc2.02 MB

Posted: November 17, 2010

Will be available online by the end of the day.


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