Posted: February 8, 2016
Print the following article. Annotate the text. Write a one page response. Put it in your duotang.
Pass in Friday at the beginning of class.
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: February 8, 2016
Print the following article. Annotate the text. Write a one page response. Put it in your duotang.
Pass in Friday at the beginning of class.
Posted: January 11, 2016
Lord of the Flies test on Thursday. Chapters 7 - 12.
Posted: January 11, 2016
Due Friday in duotang
Posted: December 14, 2015
Posted: December 9, 2015
Posted: December 7, 2015
Posted: December 6, 2015
Posted: November 30, 2015
Posted: November 27, 2015
Posted: November 27, 2015