Posted: March 20, 2015
Interview Assignment
You are to interview a person of interest.
This person CANNOT be a friend,family
member, or someone from MVHS. He/she
must be someone with an interesting story to tell. Once the interview has been conducted, you
are to write a profile on the person.
Length: 3 typed
pages. TNR. Font 12. Double spaced. All interview notes are to be passed in also.
Value: 100 (spelling and mechanics = 30%)
Due: April 20th
Student Life
Write an article about the daily happenings around the
school. Write about sporting events, activities, accomplishments, changes in
policy, rules, teacher changes, and more. Things to consider writing an article
about are:
Your sports teams
Your clubs Your
teachers Your administrators
School changes
The cafeteria food Extra-circular
Field trips
School needs Information
about upcoming events and activities
350 words
Typed TNR 12
Include one quote
Strong lead
Due Monday March 23rd