Ms. Hackett Notes

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Posted: November 9, 2010

Period 3   Complete a paragraph on why you are for or against genetic screening.     Period 4- Complete questions 2- 5  p 223     Get test signed for 5 marks by Friday!

Posted: November 2, 2010

Period 2 Reviewed types of reactions, discussed combustion reactions Assigned the completion of the first worksheet and 4-20 and Ex 1 on the second worksheet for homework.     Period 6  Discussed exothermic and endothermic & provided examples Went over three types of reactions and how to complete the reaction equations Homework - complete all 10 questions in each of synthese, decomposition and simple displacement.

Posted: November 2, 2010

Lire p 202-205 Dessin Figure 1(réseau de concepts des modes de reproduction) dans votre cahier   Be ready to write the test on the day you return if you were not present for the test today. 

Posted: November 1, 2010

Test tomorrow!!!   Make sure to have both review sheets completed as you will receive a mark for it.

Posted: November 1, 2010

Notes on the 4 types of reactions   Homework COmplete 5 questions in each of the four types of reactions on the worksheet handed out.

Posted: October 29, 2010

Test Tuesday Review handed out today, please work on it during the weekend, we  will go over the review Monday.

Posted: October 29, 2010

Omniscience 10 Lire page 178-182 Ecrivez les definitions ou explications pour les choses suivants: exothermique endothermique loi de la conservation de l'énergie reaction synthese p186 reaction decompostion p 187 Completez les questions p 185 1, 4, 5

Posted: October 26, 2010

Notes on Mutations and cancer   Cut out the pieces of ADN and glue them together on a piece of paper for homework.

Posted: October 26, 2010

Test Thursday on Chapter 5and previously covered material- Study do example questions from the textbook.

Posted: October 21, 2010

Test most likely Tuesday 26th.   3 page assignment(attached) handed out today and is due Monday.

Posted: October 21, 2010

Complete the following questions for homework   ADN :  Le matériel génétique Lis les pages 176-178 et ensuite répond aux questions suivantes.   1.     Combien de chromosomes peut-on retrouver chez les humains? 2.     Est-ce que tous les organismes ont le même montant de chromosomes? 3.     Quelle substance compose tous les chromosomes? 4.     Que fait l’ADN? 5.     Décris la structure de l’ADN. 6.     Quelles sont les quatre bases azotées qui forment l’ADN et quelles sont leur code en lettre? 7.     Comment fonctionne le code génétique? Qu’est-ce qu’est un gène? 8.     Qu’est-ce qu’est le dédoublement? 9.     Tu as 46 chromosomes disposés en 23 paires.  Dans chaque pair, un chromosome vient de ta mère et l’autre vient de ton père.  Les chromosomes de chaque parent contiennent les mêmes gènes, ce qui fait que tu as deux copies de chaque gène.  Donnez quelques petites différences dans le code. 10.           Pourquoi l’ADN a fait une apparition dans les tribunaux?  (Savais-tu que l’ADN  a fait sa première apparition dans les tribunaux ici à Miramichi?) 11.           Suggère une autre application pour l’empreinte génétique.

Posted: October 20, 2010

Watched a video on chemical reactions, types of compounds and balancing equations Corrected balancing equations questions 6-15 Homework - complete the sheet handed out yesterday 1-4 (it is attached to yesterdays note if you were absent)

Posted: October 20, 2010

Discussed & took notes on the various types of asexual reproduction Please get Test and quiz signed for marks Homework p161  Q1-6    

Posted: October 19, 2010

Worked on balancing equations and a few notes on chemical equations.   Homework: Complete the 15 balancing equations questions & complete question 1 of new worksheet, writting the names for the given formulas.  ( see attached sheet if you were absent)  
File balancer_des_composes__shell.docx14.2 KB

Posted: October 19, 2010

Cell quiz was written today.  Started section on reproduction and division, a few notes and part of a video.   No homework.   Marks on the website are up to date & include the mark from the cell quiz today.
