Posted: October 25, 2011
Mon, Oct 24/11 9:00 pm
Math 9 - Students wrote a short quiz in class today. They were then assigned a question from the board as well as the following textbook questions for homework:
Questions from page 84
14 (a, c, e, g)
15(a, c,e)
16(b, d, f)
17(b, d, f)
19(b, d, f) Students in period 1 have all questions to do. Students in period 4 only have the questions from the board to do. Students in period 6 have the questions from the board plus 14, 15, and 16 to do for homework.
Math 10 - Students were assigned the Math on Job question from page 235 for homework. We will begin looking at surface area of other shapes and composite shapes tomorrow.