Posted: March 29, 2016
Let's move the due date to Thursday instead of Wednesday!
Posted: March 29, 2016
Let's move the due date to Thursday instead of Wednesday!
Posted: March 24, 2016
No HOMEWORK... Happy Easter. See attached lesson for questions discussed...
Posted: March 24, 2016
We worked on an assignment... Biome Brochure (see attached)
Here are a couple good links...
Posted: March 23, 2016
Discussed biomes in more detail...see lesson for notes.
HOMEWORK: #EcoPoints inventories are due tomorrow...100 points!
Posted: March 23, 2016
HOMEWORK: p. 254 #5, #9 - 12 and p. 272 #9, 12, & 14
Posted: March 22, 2016
100 points need to be signed off!
Posted: March 22, 2016
Discussion of Ecological Organization...focused on Biomes (see lesson for links) and Biopshere (see below for video).
#Ecopoints - Retweet #StandForTrees video we watched (5 points)...
Here is the link to the TED Talk...
NOTE: EcoPoint Inventories are now due Thursday...100 points!
Posted: March 22, 2016
HOMEWORK: Bearings 10.12 #8 - 12
Posted: March 18, 2016
Many thanks to Bonnie Wright from FISH FRIENDS for giving a presentation on the Life Cycle of the Atlantic Salmon and delivering our eggs!
Posted: March 18, 2016
We completed an in-class assignment involving Trigonometry...see me Monday if you were absent.