Posted: March 17, 2016
Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19
Posted: March 17, 2016
Posted: March 17, 2016
Posted: March 17, 2016
Reviewed yesterday's lesson on 4 levels of organization to life and discuss 7 levels of ecological organization...see lesson for notes.
#EcoPoints...Poetry: write a poem (5) then post (5) then recite/post audio clip (5) and add video (5)
Posted: March 17, 2016
HOMEWORK: 10.12 #1 - 6
Posted: March 17, 2016
Posted: March 17, 2016
Teachers, guidance, resource and administration will be on hand in the cafeteria to answer questions regarding course selections for 2016-2017 school year. Students will be selecting courses on Tuesday, March 22.
Posted: March 17, 2016
This will be in-class so it will be open book...done individually and submitted by th end of class!
Posted: March 16, 2016
Discussed declining Honeybee popultion...check this website for a great TED talk, facts about the bees and sign up for free seeds!
#BringBackTheBees campaign
Also introduced the new unit on ecology...see lesson for notes!
#EcoPoints: Give a shoutout to @MVHSEnvSci that you support the #BringBackTheBees campaign [5 points]
Send screen shout that you signed up [5 points]
*How can we promote this campaign...more ecopoints?
Posted: March 16, 2016
HOMEWORK: 10.11 Law of Cosines #1 - 7