Posted: March 15, 2016
Unit on EcoPoints
Posted: March 15, 2016
Unit on EcoPoints
Posted: March 15, 2016
HOMEWORK: Law of Sines... 10.9 #1 - 6 and 10.10 #1 - 4
Posted: March 14, 2016
I hope everyone enjoyed the lesson on Mathematical sure to try out the Pi Day Challenge!
Posted: March 14, 2016
We went over some questions from the review...see lesson for solutions.
TEST IS sure to use prepare & review!
Posted: March 14, 2016
Today we celebrated PiDay! Thanks to those who participated and I hope everyone gained a better appreciation for Mathematical Pi. Be sure to check out the PiDay Chalenge:
HOMEWORK: Make sure Law of Sines questions assigned before March Break are completed for tomorrow!
Posted: March 4, 2016
Gave solutions to terminology quiz and lab...see attached review solutions. Unit Test will be Tuesday after the break - prepare! Also, work on #EcoPoints...checking for 100 to be done by March 23.
#EcoPoint Ideas over the break...promotional videos (World Water Day, Earth Hour, Earth Day), document outdoor March Break activities (video/pics into PowerPoint), Atlantic Salmon Conservation Schools Network Video #2 Theme (organizing after the break), BlueDot Pledge, Environmental PI clebetrations, etc...
Posted: March 4, 2016
HOMEWORK: #1 - 6 from 10.9 on Law of Sines
*** PI Day Celebrations on Monday when we get back...check it out:
Posted: March 3, 2016
Finished Unit 1...did a warm up quiz on eveolution terminology and looked at speciation in more detail (see link in lesson)
Unit Test will be TUESDAY AFTER MARCH BREAK...handed out review questions and crossword for terminology.
#EcoPoints (5): Wish David Suzuki a Happy 80th Birthday by signing the Blue Dot is the link:
Posted: March 3, 2016
We did some applications of trig ratios...see lesson for notes and examples. I handed out a booklet that we will be using to do trig questions.
HOMEWORK: 10.7 #4a, 5a, 6a
10.8 #1 - 6
Posted: March 1, 2016