Mr. Watters - Archived 09/19

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Posted: February 2, 2011

Here are the notes for Unit 1 (Leadership).
Microsoft Office document icon unit_1_leadership_theory.doc27 KB

Posted: February 2, 2011

This document contains  the basic things that students must have completed to be eligible for Physical Education 120
Microsoft Office document icon leadership_criteria.doc24.5 KB

Posted: January 12, 2011

Leadership Tournament Assignment   Answer all questions on your own paper.  You must include a proper title page.     1.  You are in charge of paying officials at a round robin hockey tournament.  There are three officials for each game.  The referee is paid $35 for each game and the two linesmen each receive $25 for each game.  There are 6 teams at this tournament, how much money do you need to budget for officials?  (Value 5)   2.  Draw a bracket for a single elimination consolation with eight teams where each team is guaranteed 3 games.  Make up fictional names for the eight teams.  List the teams in the order the finish from 1st to 8th. (Value 10)   3.  Draw a bracket for a double elimination tournament with eight teams.  Make up fictional names for the eight teams.  (Value 10)   4.  Make up a tournament schedule for a 6 team divisional round robin.  Make up the names of the six teams and place them in divisions.  Make up the schedule and who won each game.  Your tournament must have crossovers and a third place game.  List the teams in the order they finish from 1 to 6.  (Value 10)   5.  Write a paragraph on how the NCAA basketball tournament works.  Include in your write-up, what kind of tournament it is, how many teams are in it, how teams are selected etc. (Value 5)

Posted: January 11, 2011

Here are the questions for the Dobson Trail journal entries.  Some of you said you were having trouble opening them.   Outdoor Pursuits 110 Dobson Trip Journal Topics   What was your favorite part of the trip or the high point of the trip and why?   What was your least favorite part of the trip or the low point of the trip and why?   If you were to go on this trip again what would you plan differently?  What else would you bring or leave at home?   How was the food that you cooked?  Did you wish you had more, less or different food than what you brought?    

Posted: December 16, 2010

Just a reminder to all Outdoor Pursuits students that you will be leaving for the Cove at 12:15 PM from the main office.  You are also reminded that you are responsible for your transportation from the cove at the end of the day.  Please wear boots as it will be wet and you do not want to have wet feet.

Posted: December 13, 2010

How to Build a Fire

Here are the steps needed to properly build a fire.

Posted: December 13, 2010

To Build a Fire 1.        Where does the story take place? When? What is his dog’s name? Why is he there? 2.       How cold is it? 3.       Where is the Chechaquo heading? 4.       How is he packed? Why? What kind of shoes is he wearing? 5.       What happens when the Chechaquo tries to stop for lunch? What does he decide?  What happens to his lunch when he tries to eat it? 6.       What happens to the Chechaquo while walking on the creek? 7.       Describe the process that the Chechaquo uses to start the fire. 8.       What advice had the old timer given the Chechaquo? 9.       What happens to the Chechaquo’s fire? What is the problem when he tries to light another fire? 10.   Why does the Chechaquo try to kill his dog? 11.   What happens to the Chechaquo in the end? 12.   What mistakes if any did the Chechaquo make?  What would you have done differently?


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Added: Mon, Sep 25 2017


Added: Mon, Sep 25 2017


Leadership Criteria
Physical Education 120 (Leadership) Course Outline
Outdoor Pursuits 120 Cains River Run