Ms. Burns

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 5, 2022

Topic:  Welcome to Grade 9 Math 

  • Please see the following attachments for today's lesson and homework assignment 
PDF icon welcome_back_lesson_9a_2022.pdf18.11 MB

Posted: March 2, 2022

o   Take attendance and have a student take it to the office within the first 15 minutes of class.

§  Hand out the multiplication and addition charts.  Tell that today’s and tomorrow’s lessons they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to use their calculators and MUST use these charts

§  Please play today’s videoo   Take attendance and have a student take it to the office within the first 15 minutes of class.

§  Hand out the multiplication and addition charts.  Tell that today’s and tomorrow’s lessons they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to use their calculators and MUST use these charts

§  Please  play today’s video

§  Please pause the video where it tells you to pause.

§  Once the video is over the students have the rest of the period to work on the “March 3rd worksheet”.  Remind them that they are using the charts for this and not their calculators.  

§  Please pause the video where it tells you to pause.


§  Once the video is over the students have the rest of the period to work on the “March 3rd worksheet”.  Remind them that they are using the charts for this and not their calculators.  

Posted: February 10, 2022

o   Take attendance and have a student take it to the office within the first 15 minutes of class.

§  Please open the homework file (Found in the attachment below) 

§  This is a work period day, so students should be working on the following questions (put up the slide from the homework file on the smartboard so they can copy down what questions they need to do.   (This is the handout from my front counter)

·       Page 228-229

·       Questions 3ab, 4(must use tiles), 5ac, 6ac, 8acefh, 9acefh, 10a(i, iv), 12, 14, 15ace, 16a


o   Please stress that they are not doing every question and maybe have them circle the assigned questions on the sheets that you hand out to them 

PDF icon textbook_questions.pdf618.4 KB

Posted: February 9, 2022

o   Take attendance and have a student take it to the office within the first 15 minutes of class.

§  Please open the file called “homework answers_feb10”, which is in the attachment below. Please have students check their answers as you scroll through the questions.

§  Once you are done going over yesterday’s homework answers, please play the video:

o               Section 5 3 Adding Polynomials - YouTube

·       Please pause the video at the start so the students can do the warmup on their own. (10 min)

·       Also pause the video to allow students to copy down the examples, since they will need to look back at these examples when they are doing their questions tomorrow. 


·       With the pausing of the video, this should last you the entire class. 

PDF icon homework_answers_feb10.pdf899.52 KB

Posted: February 8, 2022

o   Take attendance and have a student take it to the office within the first 15 minutes of class.

§  Please play this video of today's lesson 

§  Please pause the video where it tells you to pause (warm-up should take about 10 minutes to do)


§  Once the video is over the students have the rest of the period to work on the assigned questions.  (This is the handout from my front counter)

·       Page 222-224

·       Questions 6,7,8 11ace,12ace, 13bdf, 14bdf, 19, 20abc, 22

Please stress that they are not doing every question and maybe have them circle the assigned questions on the sheets that you hand out to them 

PDF icon day_03_04_section_5.2_textbook.pdf486.18 KB

Posted: November 29, 2021

Period 1,2 3_ Video Link_

 Period 4

Note to supply teacher: I know on my lesson plan I said to handout handout after you play the videos for period 4, but there will be no time. So just play the videos. 

Period 4 Video 1: _Section 4 3 Part 1_Rearranging and Graphing Equations

Period 4 Video 2:


PDF icon day_05_section_2_mid_unit_review_.pdf209.44 KB


The Video Link for lesson:

o   Play the video  “Day 19 & 20_ Section 4 Test Review.  There is a handout of the warm up question that you should hand out to each student prior to watching the video.  Once the video is over hand out the “Mock test”.

§  The warm up handout and the mock test can be found on my front counter with “Thursday May 27th” sticky note on it. Please ensure to leave the sticky note for tomorrows lesson   


o   Remind students that their test is on Monday May 31st, and that if they have any question they can message me in the chat on TEAMS.  All answers keys are posted in the general channel on teams already.

Posted: March 24, 2021

Lesson PLan is the first attachment 

ANSWERS to homework is the second attachment. 

Video Link:



Posted: February 25, 2021


Date: Feb 23rd & 24th 

Topic:  Math 9B:   Section 5 Mid Unit Review 


Classwork/Home Learning: 

-Please click on the attachments below for today's lesson and homework assignment

Posted: February 22, 2021


Date: Feb 19th & 22th

Topic:  Math 9B:   Section 5.4  Subtracting Polynomials


Classwork/Home Learning: 

-Please click on the attachments below for today's lesson and homework assignment
