Ms. Hackett

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Posted: September 18, 2012

Cell model Project                   Model of a Plant Cell                - Each individual or pair will make a model of a plant cell. - Your model must include the thirteen structures that are labelled in the plant cell diagram on Page 175. (13) - Organelles must be labelled. (2) - Detail (5) - Identification of Structures and Functions (10)

Posted: September 18, 2012

Complete definitions for the remaining cell organelles from the list.   Below are the websites we accessed today in class for additional resources, feel free to visit as a review:   Construction of a cell membrane   Cells alive   Fluid mosiac model

Posted: September 17, 2012

Started lesson 3 video, notes and handout.  There will be a quiz on the first three videos at the end of the week , review your vidoe sheets.   Homework Complete the diagram and sentence for Ma chambre, it must be colored as well.  

Posted: September 17, 2012

Complete the assigned questions p 433 Q 1-5  

Posted: September 17, 2012

Write out the function for the first 8 cell organelle from the list provided today.  If you were absent look on pages 175-181 in textbook and pick 8 or use the internet.   Start looking for material for the plant cell model  

Posted: September 10, 2012

Upcoming quizzes   Wed, Sept 12 - all material covered to date Thurs Sept 13- words meanings using the knowledge from prefixes, suffixes and root words activity.

Posted: September 10, 2012

Notes on 13.3 Devoirs P 405  Q 1,3 & 4

Posted: May 29, 2012

Answer questions 1-7 for homework.   The life of a Star (pages 468-471). 1.      Explain gravity. 2.      Explain how a nebula turns into a cloud leading to a star(3 steps)? 3.      What happens when a star runs out of the fuels needed to produce energy?  4.      What is a supernova?  During this stage, what happens to the core of the star? Ø  When our Sun eventually swells into a red giant star, its outer layers will grow to be about 100 times its present size swallowing up Mercury, Venus, Earth and maybe even Mars 5.      What is a neutron star? 6.      What is a pulsar? 7.      What type of stars can eventually turn into a black hole? 8.      What is a black hole? Ø  The word hole is misleading because it sounds as though there is nothing there; it actually has a huge amount of matter packed into a sphere only a few kilometers across.  It is so compact that a handful of it would have a mass of 10 billion cars. 9.      Describe the life of a low mass star and that of a star 10 times bigger than our sun 10.  Explain the terms red giants, red supergiants and white dwarfs. 11.  Explain how a star goes from Major part of life to death. Become familiar with figure 2 on page 469.

Posted: May 23, 2012

A general exam outline was handed out today for both Science 9 & Science 10.  Both courses use both the 9 & 10 textbook.  Students wishing to use both textbooks for review should see me to sign out the one they do not currently have.  It is highly recommended to beginning going through notes and attempting questions from worksheets as exam preparation.  

Posted: May 22, 2012

1) 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ______ 2) 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ______ 3) 3 x 10 x 10 x 10 ______ 4) 7 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ______ 5) 1,000,000,000,000 ______ 6) .000000000000000002 ______  Complete the assigned questions for homework.  Project Presentations tomorrow, be prepared!


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Added: Fri, Jan 18 2019