Ms. Hackett

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Posted: May 11, 2011


Thu, May 12/11 9:00 pm
Please prepare for the test, you must have a calculator!

Posted: May 4, 2011

Homework Complete questions 3-10 p 358   Bring in Toy Cars for the Balloon Car Activity.

Posted: May 3, 2011

Bring in toys cars to use for Balloon Car Activity!!!!!   Homework Complete worksheet assigned today and page 358 questions 3-6 in textbook.

Posted: May 2, 2011

Homework  May 2, 2011   1.) The scheduled flight time for a flight between Montreal and Toronto is estimated to be 84.0 minutes. If the airplane travels at an average speed of 534 km/h, what is the approximate air distance of the flight? 2.) A photon travels at the speed of light (3.00 × 108 m/s), how long does a photon take to pass through a sheet of glass 33.1 mm thick?   3.) What is the average speed of a car (in km/h) if it travels 192 km between 9:10 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.?   4.) A cyclist is traveling at an average speed of 8 m/s down a straight stretch of road, how far (in km) does he travel in 20.0 minutes?   5.) A train is traveling down the track at average speed of 120.3 km/h, how long does it take (in minutes) to travel between two towns that are 387 km apart    Get a car for the Balloon Car activity for WED!  

Posted: April 29, 2011

Corrected questions on rearranging equations   Went over converting skills   Notes on Formula for Speed   Homework Complete the worksheet on converting (attached)  
File unit_conversions_shelley.docx10.51 KB

Posted: April 27, 2011

Students in Environmental Science looking to earn extra ecochallenge points can attend and help out with this clean up.

Posted: April 27, 2011

Started new unit Motion   Homework page 349 Q 3-6   Blast off Lab Reports were due today, they must include the following:   Purpose Question (Out of book) Hypothesis/Prediction of what may happen Materials Procedures- in your own words (pg.276) Evidence (chart) Analysis -> what did you notice questions d,e &g Conclusion
Answers  to questions 1-5 page 271 1.Manganese dioxide speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.    Chlorine atoms speeds up decomposition of ozone gas in the atmosphere.    Amylase is an enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of starch in the foods we eat during the process of digestion.   Peroxidase is an enzyme in the liver that speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.   2. a) Enzymes are biological catalysts - they speed up the synthesis and breakdown of chemicals in biological systems.  Enzymes are only one type of catalysts. b) Amylase is an enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of starch in food during digestion; peroxidase is an enzyme in the liver that speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.   3. Many enzymes are heat sensitive: they break down at higher temperatures.  Therefore, as the temperature is increasing, there are fewer enzymes available to control the chemical reactions in the body.  For example, cooking pineapple "dentatures' the enzymes that digest protein, make it nonfuntional. 4. a) Chlorine catalyze in CFCs catalyze the decompositon of ozone in the stratoshpere.   b) It takes many years for these chemicals to travel from their point of release on the ground up into the stratosphere.  CFCs are still used in some countries.  Also, they persist for years in the atmosphere, and since they are a catalyst, they aren't consumed in the reaction.  Therefore, they can keep catalyzing reactions for years.   5. a) The enzymes in the laundry detergent break down stains in the clothing that are biological in origin           ex: Food stains b) Soaking the garment in cold water gives the enzymes in the detergent time to work and decompose the stain.  Hot water would likely inhibit the action of the enzymes by breaking them down before they could effectively a

Posted: April 18, 2011

TEST Wed on Human Populations and Biodiversity    
Microsoft Office document icon human_popln__biodiversity_notes.doc29.5 KB

Posted: April 11, 2011

Predicting Products - today we looked at examples again and time was give to finish up the final page.  It was be marked tomorrow.  FInd the assignment attached if you have misplaced it.


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Added: Fri, Jan 18 2019