Posted: March 22, 2018
More Applications/Word Problems...
Page 152 #3 & page 154 #11, 12 *** Bearings
Page 154 #5, 6, 9, 10
Page 172 #9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Posted: March 22, 2018
More Applications/Word Problems...
Page 152 #3 & page 154 #11, 12 *** Bearings
Page 154 #5, 6, 9, 10
Page 172 #9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Posted: March 22, 2018
In Class Assigment...Primary Trig, Law of Sines/Cosines
Posted: March 20, 2018
Posted: March 20, 2018
HOMEWORK: 10.12 #9 - 12
*** In class assignment on Primary Trig and Law of Sines/Cosines
Posted: March 19, 2018
HOMEWORK: Puzzle of Primary Trig, Law of Sines/Cosines & Applications
In class Assignment on Wednesday!
Posted: March 16, 2018
HOMEWORK: 10.11 #1, 2, 5ac, 7ab AND 10.12 #1, 2, 5, 6
Posted: March 15, 2018
We went over questions fro Law of Sines homework set and then we celebtrated PiDay!
Posted: March 13, 2018
HOMEWORK: Exercise 10.9 #1 - 6 AND 10.10 #1 - 3
Posted: March 12, 2018
HOMEWORK: Booklet exercise 10.7 #2, 3, 10, 11ab AND 10.8 #1, 3, 4, 6
NOTE: If you were absent you will need to get a booklet next day back
Posted: March 2, 2018
Help celebrate #PiDay2018 with the MVHS Math Department on the Wednesday after the March break... 3/14/18! Be great to bring in some circular treats to share with your class and maybe even a slice of pie. We will have 3 contests with $25 Pizza Pie Certificates as prizes...
1) Best PI day T-shirt: Be creative and make your own shirt with a great PI day message! All you need is a blank t-shirt and a copy of the image you want to put on the shirt. Come to the MakerSpace at lunch on Monday or Tuesday to cut and press your own custom Pi Day shirt. Then, show up at the Math Workroom before period 1 on Wednesday with it on and we will judge a winner.
2) Recite the digits of PI: At lunch we will be reciting the digits of PI in Mr. Hallihan's classroom. Each participant will be given 2 tries to go as many places they can after the decimal. Find an app or make up a song to help you remember those digits! Last year Issac Tozer went to 253 places...can he do it again or will someone else take the title?
3) Best Looking PI Day Treat: Bring your awesome PI Day treat to the Math Workroom before period 1 on Wednesday to get a picture of your creation.
Have a great March Break and BE PREPARED for #MVHSPIDAY2018