Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders

Posted: September 20, 2015

Attached is the reading comprehension assignment for No Great Mischief.  It is due on Tuesday.
File double-entry_journal.docx29.64 KB

Posted: September 15, 2015

Homework for tomorrow - complete questions 1-4 on "Hockey Dreams" from the Echoes text.

Posted: September 14, 2015

This is a reminder that periods three and six will have picture day tomorrow and period one will be on Wednesday.

Posted: September 13, 2015

To my homeroom - please remember to have your parents/guardians sign the media release form and return it as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Posted: September 13, 2015

Please complete the What does it say?/What does it not say? chart for the Science of Instagram.  Be sure to also answer the question:  What does this chart tell us about our society?
File science_of_instagram.docx449.12 KB

Posted: September 9, 2015

Here are the course outlines for English 112 and Writing 110.  I'm looking forward to a wonderful semester!
File course_outline_2015.docx20.84 KB

Posted: May 28, 2015

English 10 - Multi-genre reading assignments are due tomorrow.Writing 110 - Poetry Anthologies are due next Thursday.

Posted: May 14, 2015

English 10 - A reminder that Articles of the Week are due tomorrow.  Also, your ballad is due  on Tuesday.
File me_olde_ballad.docx15.73 KB
File aow_-_sacrifice.docx59.66 KB

Posted: May 6, 2015

English 10 - Using "Sound of Silence", find 10 different examples of figurative language.  This is due tomorrow for a homework check.Writing 110 - Satire piece is due on Friday.

Posted: April 13, 2015

On Friday, students passed in their first creative extension.  Today, students received an Article of the Week, which is due this Friday.  This AoW is a bit different.  Students must highlight the article, but they do not have to complete a close reading.  Instead, they will complete a graphic organizer that accompanies the article.  For each behaviour in the chart, students must find two examples from the play that match.


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Web Links

"The Lottery" - Part 1
Balcony Scene - Bazz Luhrmann version
World Book Online