Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders

Posted: September 28, 2012

Today, we focused on the proper grammatical use of apostrophes.  Don't forget to finish the final copy of your snapshot moment for Tuesday.

Posted: September 27, 2012

Today we did a kinesthetic activity that helps the students to craft more complex sentences.  We attacked the "adjective string" sentence (ex: The red, shiny, beautiful truck drives down the street.) and attempted to use adjectives in more sophisticated ways.

Posted: September 27, 2012

The grade nine boys are very creative!  They found another way to use their writers notebooks and SSR books...imaginary ping pong.  It brings a positive energy to the class before the bell rings!

Posted: September 27, 2012

Check out the new sentence added to the Sentence of the Week gallery!

Posted: September 26, 2012

A reminder that school pictures will be taken tomorrow during English class. Today we worked on revising our snapshot moments.

Posted: September 25, 2012

Don't forget to complete your one-pager on an SSR book for tomorrow.  Today we talked about showing, rather than telling, in our writing.  We looked at a mentor text to get examples and then we revised our own writing. 

Posted: September 24, 2012

Students received an assignment today to complete on their SSR book.  It is due Wednesday.  For students who were absent today, be sure to get that from me tomorrow.

Posted: September 21, 2012

The Pulamoo spirit was incredible today!  Although the students had a lot of energy due to our pep rally and the upcoming dance tonight, they still worked hard on their snapshot moments.  Students had a significant amount of time to draft in today's class.  First drafts of snapshot moments are due on Monday.  Next week, we will learn some creative revision techniques!
We read chapter 11 from The Hunger Games book. I took out the proper conventions and made the text really messy. Also, we edited the text together, and added in conventional artistry. The students had fun coming up to the Smartboard and fixing the text as a team!   Ms. Hennebury

Posted: September 20, 2012

Today we did a mini-lesson based on word choice.  We talked about the importance of choosing strong verbs in order to create better images for our reader.  We had a lot of class time today to work on the drafts of our snapshot moments.  Homework: The first draft of the snapshot moment is due on Monday.


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