Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders

Posted: November 1, 2012

Energy Drinks

This is the article we are using for the assignment attached under "November 1st".  Students also watched the video.

Posted: November 1, 2012

Happy November! Don't forget that the final copies of your extended narratives are due tomorrow! We have moved on to our argument unit.  Currently, we are focusing on reading comprehension strategies.  Today, we looked at the controversial issue of energy drinks and teens.  Attached is the assignment we will be working on over the next few days.  The article and video that we watched is included in the links section of this website.
File determining_importance.docx11.63 KB

Posted: October 31, 2012

The final copies of the extended narratives are now due on FRIDAY!

Posted: October 29, 2012

Final copies of extended narratives are due on THURSDAY! Today we began talking about the "literacy stampede" - we live in exponential times, and the ability to read and analyze information is a crucial skill for our students.  We had some very interesting conversation regarding the permanency of what we write online.

Posted: October 25, 2012

Grammar quiz tomorrow and extended narrative drafts due on Monday!

Posted: October 24, 2012

We are continuing to draft our extended narratives in class.  Students are also expected to be working on these at home.  The draft will be due on Monday. Quiz on Friday - The students will have a grammar quiz on the mini-lessons that we have been doing during the extended narrative unit.  These include: AAAWWUBBIS, quotation marks, apostrophes, and FANBOYS (the students will know what these acronyms mean).

Posted: October 22, 2012

We continued drafting our extended narratives today.  We also did an important grammar lesson on quotation marks.

Posted: October 19, 2012

Reminder to my homeroom: Pictures must be ordered by Monday! Today we looked at how to make creative choices with our paragraphing.  We also started to draft the leads of our extended narratives.  Please have your leads completed for Monday.

Posted: October 18, 2012

The grade nines received their immunization needles today during English class.  A reminder that storyboards are due tomorrow.  Remember, these do not have to be "perfected" pieces of art - they are simply sketches of scenes that might be used in your extended narratives.

Posted: October 17, 2012


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