Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders

Posted: September 19, 2012

Who would have known that punctuation could be so fun!  Today we talked about the importance of being creative with conventions in order to enhance the voice in our writing.  The students "read like writers" again, searching through our mentor texts for examples of creative use of conventions.  We now have some great ideas to use in our own writing.

Posted: September 18, 2012

Today we reviewed the importance of voice in our writing.  Then we had time to start drafting our snapshot moments.  Remember that the Donald Mills letter is due tomorrow. On a horrible, our projector died.  We will have to "kick it old school" for a little while!

Posted: September 18, 2012

September book orders are due this Friday, September 21st.  I have extra book orders if you did not receive one, or you lost one.

Posted: September 17, 2012

Lesson Focus: Voice Today we talked about how to infuse voice in our writing.  We looked at a piece written by Donald Mills, where he "slams" teenagers for their use of video games.  Homework: Write a letter to Donald Mills, explaining your point of view on the matter.  You can comment on the content of his letter and/or how he refers to teenagers in his letter.  The key is to use your voice - let your personality shine through the piece.  Your letter should be 1/2 page to 1 page single spaced and done in good copy.  Due Wednesday.
Microsoft Office document icon voice_assignment_0.doc39.5 KB

Posted: September 14, 2012

We had some great discussion in class today regarding snapshot moments.  We looked at an excerpt from Elie Wiesel's Night.  We read like writers, searching for the strategies that Wiesel used to slow time down in this snapshot moment.  The students were quite moved by his piece. Homework: Bring in a picture for Monday (it can be a hard copy or on your ipod, etc.)

Posted: September 13, 2012

Every week, we will find sentences that we like and analyze the crafting of the sentence.

Posted: September 13, 2012

Make sure that you have a topic for your snapshot moment, for tomorrow.

Posted: September 12, 2012

Posted: September 12, 2012

Today we talked about narrowing down topics and we looked at our first mentor text of a snapshot moment.  The students worked together to pick out effective strategies used by the writer of the piece.  They focused on word choice, voice, and creative use of conventions.  Tomorrow we will be choosing topics and starting to draft our snapshot moments.

Posted: September 11, 2012

Today, we set up our writers notebooks and did our first quick write.  Well done all around!  If you have not yet purchased a hard cover notebook, please do it as soon as possible.  We will be using the notebook on a daily basis this semester.


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