Ms. Harding

*Mistakes allow thinking to happen*

Posted: September 18, 2019

Please see attached lesson.

**Homework is at end of lesson. 

** Sign up for remind app following the instructions on the back of your course outline!

PDF icon nrf_sept_18.pdf1.22 MB

Posted: September 18, 2019

Lesson attached.

**Homework is also at the end of the lesson. Please have it completed for tomorrow.

**Sign up for the remind app for ongoing reminders about class!

PDF icon gmf_sept_18.pdf1.35 MB

Posted: September 18, 2019

Quiz tomorrow. Practice finding numbers on a number line, comparing and ordering decimals and fractions, adding and subtracting decimals and fractions.

See practice questions listed at the end of the attached lesson. Come to class tomorrow prepared to write the quiz. All students should have a calculator (not their cell phone).

**Please sign up for the remind app using the instructions on the back of your course outline. 

PDF icon sept._18_math_9.pdf1.46 MB

Posted: September 17, 2019

Lessons attached.

GMF - be ready for word problems tomorrow.

NRF - have homework completed for tomorrow (see lesson)

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PDF icon gmf_sept_17th.pdf1.84 MB

Posted: September 17, 2019

Reviewed laws of exponents. Leave answers with negative exponents for now! Homework on last slide.

PDF icon nrf_sept._16th.pdf783.95 KB

Posted: September 17, 2019

Math 9 notes for Sept. 16 and 17th attached.

**Sign up for remind app!

PDF icon math_9_sept_16.pdf824.51 KB
PDF icon math_9_sept._17.pdf2.6 MB

Posted: September 12, 2019

See lessons attached.

Math 9 - We discussed adding rational numbers (decimals and fractions). We focused on how to predict what the sign of the answer will be. It was a short lesson as we had a bus evacutation practice today. Do your homework!

GMF 10 - Today we started word problems which involved a lot of finding perimeter of objects and converting our units. Homework should be completed for tomorrow. Quiz coming up on Monday.

NRF 10 - Today we reviewed entire to mixed radicals and ensuring that they are in their simpliest form. We then moved on to switched mixed radicals to entire radicals. Homework was assigned.  If you did not complete the questions from last night you should do those as well to be ready to move on to laws of exponents tomorrow.

*****Remember the Math Help Center is open Monday - Thursday at lunch AND after school!******

*****Sign up for the remind app using the information provided on the back of your course outline and you can stay informed on class information or use it to ask me questions when you are stuck on something at home!

PDF icon nrf_sept_12th.pdf767.93 KB
PDF icon gmf_september_12th.pdf2.77 MB
PDF icon math_9_sept_12th.pdf1.02 MB

Posted: September 11, 2019

See lessons attached.

Math 9 Homework - Pg 101-103 #5, 6ac, 7ad, 8ac, 10cd, 12af, 16bf, 21

GMF Homework - Feet to Inches, Inches to Feet and Inches, also back side of sheet conversions. The front side of the sheet is attached. 

NRF Homework - Practice switching entire radicals to mixed radicals. Homework sheet # 10adg, 11ace, 17 ***QUIZ TOMORROW***- will cover powers, radicals, estimating, ordering, and number systems.


Posted: September 10, 2019

See notes attached.

**Please sign up for the remind app for your course to get reminders about class right to your phone. You can download the app on any device or check the remind website as well. You can also use this number/app to message me directly if you have any questions about class, what you missed if you were out, to let me know you will be away, or to ask me questions about homework!! It is very helpful to sign up and then you will have it if you need it!

For GMF- text @mvhsgmf10 to (506)802-9315 or in the app you can use @mvhsgmf10 as the class code.

For NRF- text @mvhsnrf10 to (506)802-9315 or in the app you can use @mvhsgmf10 as the class code.

PDF icon nrf_september_10th.pdf1.14 MB
PDF icon gmf_september_10th.pdf2.35 MB

Posted: September 10, 2019

September 10 - Mr. Wood spoke to grade 9's about school/class expectations. Completed warmup quiz on number systems. Began to discuss fractions and decimals. 

**No new homework tonight - review notes on number systems.

**Text @mvhsmath9 to (506)802-9315 to sign up for Mrs. Harding's remind page. You can also download the remind app and sign up through there using @mvhsmath9 as the class code.

PDF icon september_9th.pdf732.4 KB
PDF icon september_10th.pdf1.06 MB
