Ms. Lynch

M. Lynch Teacher Page

Link to Chapter 5 Part 1

Link to Chapter 5 Part 2


Link to Chapter 6:

You will write at least one six word memoir for each character in The Outsiders.  Attached are some examples.  Try not to just focus on looks, but also the character's personality.  We will do this at the end of the novel to see if any characters have changed. 

PDF icon six_word_memoirs_examples.pdf47.88 KB

Posted: May 11, 2020

Grade 11 and grade 9. Login to my teacher page tomorrow morning (Tuesday) or Teams for week 6 Of home leaning. 

Chapter Questions for The Contender Chapter 5-6

The link to Chapter 5:

The link to chapter 6:

On Thursdat at 1:30 we will have a chat on Microsoft Teams I wil send out the invite.

PDF icon the_contender_chapter_5-6.pdf60.66 KB

Posted: May 5, 2020

PDF icon the_outsiders_characters.pdf2.59 MB

Learning for week 5 will be uploaded to teacher page and teams tomorrow, May 5th 


 Chapter 3

Chapter 4

113 English Period 1 & 5. Novel Study- The Contender by Robert Lipsyte

Week 4- This week I will upload a video of me reading Chapter 3 & 4 (the link will be updated here as soon as finished loading)

There are chapter questions for Chapter 3-4 as well as a hyperbole activity. A hyperbole is a statement or claim not meant to be taken literally. I understand that you are not able to 'print' at home but, you can sketch your interpretation of the following hyperbole on loose leaf or white paper, then you can snap a picture with your phone or device and upload in Microsoft Teams or email it to me. The hyperbole that is included in this weeks work is actually found in chapter 3 is; “Donatelli leaned against four black-taped ropes, and turned his bulldog face to Alfred.” (p. 22) We know that Donatelli doesnt actually have a bulldog face- but what does this hyperbole tell readers about how Donatelli looks- sketch your interpretation! Have fun with it. 

Have a great week guys!

Posted: April 27, 2020

Period 1 and 5 grade 11 students, check back tomorrow for Chapter 3-4 reading links and activities for the contender! 

Chapter 2 questions and journal, also posted in Microsoft Teams



The Outsiders - Characters
English 9, Period 3 & 4 Chapter 4- The Outsiders
English 113, Period 1 & 5- The Contender, Chapter 3-4 Hyperbole Activity
Grade 9- The Outsiders- Chapter 2 questions and journal

Web Links

113 English Period 1& 5 YouTube audio link
Remote Learning Office 365 Help for New Brunswick Parents
Night by Elie Wiesel Audiobook Audio Reading - A New Translation By Marion Wiesel (Chapter 1)
Winfrey & Wiesel Auschwitz Full Movie