Please find attached a list of the local bursaries and scholarships. They can also be picked up at the main office. The application form must be submitted to the main office by June 3.
The Tim Horton's Safe Grad Community Clean Up will be held at the three Tim Horton's locations on this side of the river on May 7 from 11:00-1:00. A barbecue will follow at the downtown and Douglastown locations. This event will be held rain or shine. All money raised goes to safe grad. Everyone is welcome to come out and support our grads!
The 2011 grad fee is seventy dollars. There will be a ten dollar discount for those students who do not attend prom. The fee can be paid from May 2 - 27 to John MacMillan in the main lobby at noon. It can also be paid to Mrs. Hudson in the main office. An additional five dollars will be charged for those students who do not meet the deadline. The final date that the grad fee will be accepted is June 10, 2011.
Competition Meets: Our team will begin practicing on Monday, May 2nd after school, and practices will be Monday – Thursday, and will run from 3:45-5pm. As we get closer to Regional Meet, we will be practicing at the JMH Track several times/week. Those committed to either MVHS Volleyball or Rugby teams will be permitted to only attend a minimum of 2/week, until those teams’ seasons are finished. All other participants will be expected to make all practices. Track is a very short season, lasting only 5 weeks, so it is very important to make use of all practice time available. If you are not
Go Girl! is an energy packed one day ACTIVE event for girls in grades 6-9. It encourages non-active girls to pursue sport/physical activities and an active lifestyle. Girls are invited to "see and try" a variety of sport and physical activity pursuits and will be provided with motivational opportunities and resources on nutrition and wellness.
This year, Go Girl! will take place on Wednesday, May 11th at the Golden Hawk Recreation Center from 9am - 2pm. Transportation will be provided.
Registration forms are available from Mrs. MacFarlane.
Registration deadline: April 28th
We are very proud of all those who contributed to this event. Please check out the a sample of the entertainment in the video and photp gallery section of our webpage. Again, well done.
Attention girls grades 9-12:
Don't leave your future to chance...
Come explore exciting careers in skilled trades & technologies!
Meet fascinating women working in these fields
Learn about the art of networking
Hear inspiring stories from dynamic guest speakers
Network informally with mentors while enjoying a great dinner
Investigate a variety of interesting career paths
Venue: CCNB Edmundston, 225 Chemin du Pouvoir
Date: May 16, 2011
Time: 5:30-8:30pm
Cost: Free
Miramichi Kinsmen and School District 16 are pleased to accept film
entries for the first annual Kin Film Festival. All School District 16
students are invited to participate. Films can be submitted in one of
two categories: Open and The Kinsmen Category. The top 10 films in each
category will be screened on May 7th, 2011 at Miramichi Empire Studio
5. Cash prizes of $500, $250 and $100 will be awarded for the winners
in each category.
Visit the Kin Film Fest page for more information.
Do you have information on a criminal activity that has occurred or is about to happen? Are you concerned about recognition or retaliation from others? If you wish to remain anonymous and do not wish to discuss this crime with school officials, there is an alternaitve that might result in you receiving a cash award of up to $2000.
Call 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or text TIP212 and your information to CRIMES (274637) or use the website
Crimes that can be prevented or reduced with your information are:
The Jostens ring representative will be in the main lobby on Thursday, April 14 at noon. A $60 deposit is required to order and the remaining balance is due when the ring arrives in approximately 6-8 weeks.
If you are in grade 12, it's not too late to order and if you are in grade 11, you can order your grad ring now and wear your ring for all of grade 12.
Pick up a catalogue at the office counter or go to to design your ring.