
Posted: February 25, 2011

The dance has been cancelled for Feb. 25 due to weather and will take place on March 18th.

Posted: February 22, 2011

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 23, 2011 when we hold our Fourth Annual Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day. For 2011,  schools across Canada will be participating in Pink Shirt Day and we anticipate adding more partners to make this the biggest anti-bullying awareness day in North America – if not the world!  

Posted: February 17, 2011

Congratulations to MVHS students who did very well at last night's cute awards. Mr Savage's class picked up the award for best collaborative project and Mrs. Cabel's grade 10 class won the 21st century learning award for their to Kill a Mockingbird 50th anniversary commemorative video montage. Congratulations again to those students whose hard work was rewarded last night.

Posted: February 14, 2011

District 16 has released the list of finalists for the 4th Annual Creative Use of Technology in Education (CUTE) Awards.  The names of the recipients of the awards in each of the 12 categories will be announced at a ceremony to be held at James M. Hill High School auditorium on Wednesday evening February 16th starting at 6:15 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no admission charge. The audience will have an opportunity before the presentation ceremony to see and hear some of the digital media created by District 16 students.   Congrats to the following MVHS projects.

Posted: February 9, 2011

2011-2012 Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. Scholarship Deadline March 25, 2011 Learning financial skills is crucial to future financial freedom.  Since 2004 Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. (CCSAC) has awarded $86,000 to students across Atlantic Canada.  With several $1,000 scholarships available annually, we continue to provide students with the tools to minimize their post-secondary debt and to use credit wisely. 

Posted: February 8, 2011

Ring Order Days - February 15th and February16th at lunch hour The Jostens ring representative will be here next Tuesday and Wednesday at lunch time.  A sixty dollar deposit is required for Jostens to begin creating your ring.  Design your own ring at  Print your order and bring it with you on order day with your sixty dollar deposit.

Posted: February 7, 2011

The Lifetouch photographer will be here for grad photos on Feb. 23.  This date is for either re-takes or for students who missed the original date.  Students who would like grad photo re-takes must return their proofs to the photographer at the appointment.  Interested students must see Mrs. Hudson by the end of the week.

Posted: February 1, 2011

The Wellness Breakfast will take place on February 11 from 7:00 am - 9:00 am.  Everyone is welcomed to this free breakfast brought to you by MVHS.  Also, check out the many kiosks that will be set up throughout the lobby.  Please ask Mr. Jim Watters if you have any questions.

Posted: January 31, 2011

Please return all materials to your semester 1 teachers right away.

Posted: January 21, 2011

The exam schedule will run as planned.  There is no change due to the storm.  Please check the previous exam posting for the schedule.  Please see Mrs. Hudson if you have any questions.


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