Novembeard has come to an end to the delight of many staff and students, but most will agree that is was a success. Staff and students have raised close to $800 which will be donated to Prostate Cancer Research and The MVHS Grad Class. A special thanks goes out to John Hierlihy and Mr. Sullivan. Please check out some of our pictures.
Mrs. MacKnight is looking for items for upcoming sculpture and mixed-media projects. Students love to get creative with re-useable and unusual materials. Please drop off any donations at the office or send them in with students. We appreciate all of the "surprises" we have received over the years from the community.
wrapping paper and paper towel tubes
bits of wire and other materials for sculpture
yarn and craft materials
leftover art and craft paint
plasticine (clay)
MVHS Thunder Sticks will be on sale in the main lobby at lunch Thursday, November 18 and Friday, November 19 for $5 a set. Make sure to pick some up before the big game!Remember to wear blue & gold Friday, and to really show your school spirit, come to the main lobby @ lunch for face painting!Also, tomorrow night @ 7 we are having another VARIETY SHOW so be sure to come out and enjoy some of MV's most talented! $7 admittance.
Parents and Guardians are reminded that the "Personal Grad Ad" deadline was Monday. If you are still interested in purchasing an ad, please contact Miss Graves at 627-4083 or at as soon as possible.
We will be taking orders for 2011 Yearbooks again next week (Nov 25, 26, and 29) at lunchtime. The prices are $35 or $40 (if you want a nameplate).
Potential grads are reminded that 'Grad Write-Ups' must be sent to Miss Graves by December 10th. Information sheets are available in room 2222.
Do you have photos from school activities (dances, variety shows, theme weeks) or just candids of you and your friends that you would like to see in the yearbook? Here's your opportunity to see some of your own photos in print!
Upload your photos at the following address:
(Note: the link should now be working!)
Fill in your name, email address, and phone number
Read and accept the terms and conditions
Representatives from the University of New Brunswick will be at the Rodd Miramichi on Wednesday, November 10th at 7:00 pm to complete the process for early admission for the 2011-2012 academic year. If you're thinking about attending UNB, take this opportunity to meet with a representative.
A draw will be held at the end of each month for eligible students. Monthly winners and other eligible students will compete for the car, in a HOLE-IN-ONE contest at the Miramichi Golf and Country Club.
· May only miss one day per calendar month to be eligible
· Cannot have more than 3 lates (total, from all classes during the month)
· Cannot have any Behavior Tracking Sheets submitted to office during the month
Please refer to attachment for more contest rules.
The Jostens ring representative will be in the main lobby on Wednesday, November 3 (at noon) and Thursday, November 4 during parent-teacher (4:00-6:00). A sixty dollar deposit is required for Jostens to begin creating the ring. You can also design your own ring at, then print your order and bring it on order day with your sixty dollar deposit.