Posted: March 3, 2016
We did some applications of trig ratios...see lesson for notes and examples. I handed out a booklet that we will be using to do trig questions.
HOMEWORK: 10.7 #4a, 5a, 6a
10.8 #1 - 6
Posted: March 3, 2016
We did some applications of trig ratios...see lesson for notes and examples. I handed out a booklet that we will be using to do trig questions.
HOMEWORK: 10.7 #4a, 5a, 6a
10.8 #1 - 6
Posted: March 1, 2016
Posted: March 1, 2016
We finished our discussion of the 3 types of adaptations (structural, physiological & behavioural) with examples. Also watched a couple video clips on evolution...see lesson for examples and links.
#EcoPoints - sign up for a newletter (5 points each to a max of 20) & SuperPower Challenge deadline is now March 4th (20 points for a submission).
HOMEWORK: Prepare review notes...Unit Test will be on Friday! I will post review questions and terminology crossword...
Posted: March 1, 2016
UNIT TEST on Systems of Linear Inequalities...if absent today you will be writing tomorrow (bring excuse).
HOMEWORK: Make sure Trig worksheet from Friday is completed!
Posted: February 26, 2016
We continued discussing evolution & adaptations...see lesson for notes, links and activity. We wrote a quiz on unit 1 terminology (if will be writing this on Monday - bring excuse!)
HOMEWORK: Read Case Study on Darwin's Voyage
#EcoPoints... proposal deadline has been extended to March 4th - submit an idea for 20 EcoPoints...more if picked!!!
... Sign up for a newsletter from a group online (ex: WWF, David Suzuki, ASF, Ducks Unlimited, etc...) - 5 points per group up to a max
of 20 EcoPoints. Must show proof of involvent [screen shot, forwarded email, print copy]
Posted: February 26, 2016
HOMEWORK: Primary Trig Ratios Review #1 - 3 do questions a, c, e, g
NOTE: Unit Test on Systems of Linear Inequalities is on Tuesday!
Posted: February 24, 2016
We started discussions of evolution and adaptations...see lesson for video links and notes.
HOMEWORK: Quiz on terminology (up to including populations)
#EcoPoints... We discussed 3 adaptations in class (structural, physiological & behavioral) - in a word document find pictures of 2 different species and give a description of their adaptation for each of the types. [5 EcoPoints/type of adaptation...extra 5 for sending through email to save paper - 20 total points possible]
Posted: February 24, 2016
HOMEWORK: Use Chapter Review/Practice/Self Test to prepare for test now on TUESDAY! Tomorrow we will start new unit on Trigonometry...
Posted: February 23, 2016
We finished our discussion of populations...reviewed concepts from yesterday and discussed changing populations. Also further discussed 'Lessons Learned from Easter Island' article.
HOMEWORK: Be familiar with key terms up this point...terminology quiz on Thursday!
#EcoPoints (5 Points): Tweet @SeeNewBrunswick a great winter pic of Miramichi...also include @MVHSEnvSci and #ExploreNB
Posted: February 23, 2016
HOMEWORK: p. 261 #5, 7, 8, 11 & 13
NOTE: Unit Test will be on THURSDAY (use text for review...self - test, chapter review & practice)
Posted: February 22, 2016
Further discussed populations studies...check lesson for notes, math formulas, examples and links.
HOMEWORK: Make sure you have 'Lessons from Easter Island' read & lab report MUST BE SUBMITTED (due today!)
#EcoPoints (10 points): Respond to the Atlantic Salmon Survey...print/send/tweet that you completed it. Here is the link...
Posted: February 22, 2016
HOMEWORK: p. 252 #1 - 3 & p. 259 #1 - 4
Posted: February 19, 2016
NOTE: Each of these opportunities need to have proof that they were completed. Take a picture/screenshot and...
- print it off and submit with name on it Monday.
- attach image to an email and send to
- tweet @MVHSEnvSci with attach image
Here are the links:
10 Points... Complete the survey on what should be done with the Mactaquac Dam
10 Points... Complete your own Ecological Footprint
20 Points... READ about the Superpower Challenge and SUBMIT a proposal
* Need to submit both proposal and any attachments for full #EcoPoints
* Potential to grow into more #EcoPoints
Posted: February 19, 2016
We discussed Ecological Footprints/Water Footprints/Carbon Footprints and ways we can reduce our impact on the Earth. Check lesson for notes and links to websites.
HOMEWORK: Mark/Return/Recapture Lab Report is due on Monday FIRST of class!
Check out above post for links to getting some #EcoPoints over the weekend :)
Posted: February 19, 2016
HOMEORK: p. 248 #1, 2, 3, & 5