Ms. Mutch Notes

Mrs. Mutch's Math School Website page


Posted: September 8, 2023

NRF 10 - Assignment on Perfect/non perfect roots Wednesday Sept 13 due Thursday, Quiz Friday Sept 15.
Pre-Calc 12a - Quiz on Functions Wednesday sept 13
Pre-Calc 11 - Quiz Thursday on Quadratic Properties

For more details check out Teams and One Note

Posted: September 8, 2023

Hi.  I post all my lessons, homework and class work in Teams and One Note.

I have uploaded the course outlines for my classes taught this semester here in the links.

Week of Sept 6-8

NRF 10 - Powers and Roots
Pre-Calc 12a - Properties of Functions
Pre-Calc 11 - Properties of Quadratics

Posted: November 19, 2020

Hello, I am scheduling appointments for Parent/Teacher Interviews.  Any parent or guardian wishing to make an appointment, please email me at and we can set up a time for a phone or video conference.  Thanks

Posted: September 17, 2020

Hello.  Welcome to my page.  This year I will be posting everything on Microsoft Teams and using One Note - Class Notebook.   Both are available as free web based versions for students to use and also as Apps to download on phone or laptop.  

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

or call school at 506-627-4083

Thanks and have a great year!

Thinking of you all  <3

I am seeing great success with using Microsoft Teams.  I will continue to use that as my main platform.  100% of all my students have made their way there (I believe).  I know some of Mrs. Sears' students have yet to log on.  We will try to track those students down this week. 

NRF 10 - I will be posting a multiple choice "quiz" (checkup) on the Algebra Unit.  I will post the solutions Tuesday afternoon.  I will be posting notes and videos for the new unit.  See Teams page for more information 

Foundations 11 - Rule of 72, Present Value and Annuities.   Textbook practice questions.

Pre-Calc 12a  - creating an equation from looking at a graph.  Starting application questions. 

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask:   

Take care xoxo

Posted: April 15, 2020

Hello, I hope you are all well

We are a little more than a week in and I think I have contact (through phone or technology) with all of my students except one (which I'm working on that now)



I have decided to use Microsoft Teams as the main platform for online learning.   We can set it up like a vitural 'classroom' and it is pretty user-friendly once you get the hang of if.    

Here is an update for what we are doing in each couse: (for more detailed info visit "Teams" or email me at

NRF 10 - Reviewing all types of Factoring techniques. 

Foundations 11 - collecting the Trig assign that was due Tues April 14, check over your solutions, start the new unit on Finance (Compound and Simple interest).

Pre-Calc 12a - Sketching Trig functions.  checkup assignment due today. 

Please email if you have any more questions. 



Posted: April 9, 2020

Hi, you will find the second assignment attached. 

Please watch the following video. 

If you would like to try the "assignment" for practice and you can submit through Teams (preferred) or email  

my students:    Mrs. Sears:

We will take a look over and then post the solutions on Tuesday


Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello!   Finally,  After trying all day I am finally able to log in to update this page!  yay!!

Welcome Back.   I am going to be using teams as my main platform.   If you haven't received an invite from me or not sure how to sign up please email me at or message me on Facebook or Instagram.   

I will be looking after posting content for all the NRF 10 Students, Mrs. Matchett and I will look after the Foundations 11 and I will be looking after my Pre-Calc 12a class.

The Microsoft Teams looks like a nice user friendly place to post content, interact and even submit assignments.   I made a post in each class to check in (roll call) so I know you found your way there.  (This may take some extra time for Mrs. Sears' classes)

I have a pdf version of the textbooks posted in teams but I will also post them here too in documents tab.


Here is the plan for Monday and Tuesday.

NRF 10

I have created short 5 minute-ish videos of all the topics from Unit 2.   My class should have learned up to video 10 (Hard Trinomials).  I would ask that you take a look through and get yourself familiar with these topics. 

When done, please try page 198 #1,2,3,11, 12, 13, 15 , 16, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26  Notes: don't do every letter in every question.  maybe a,c,e etc...   don't worry about algebra tiles or sketching) please attempt these by Wednesday.

 Pre-Calculus 12a

I have posted everything in teams and I think most of you found your way there.  I will repost here a bit until I make sure everyone is on board.    I posted the pdf of the smarboard unit.  Please review that and try the Practice Test.  The worked out solutions is also provided.  Please complete by Wednesday.  (video is in documents)

Foundations 11

I made a quick review video.

Please watch the video and look at the pdf version of the Smartboard unit (found in documents).    Please practice a few of the textbook questions listed and there is an assignment due on Wednesday.  I am not totally sure yet how i will get you to submit it but stay tuned for that.   


I know technology is going to be a big hurdle in the next coming weeks but we will find a way to make it work.   I am hear for you.  Seriously!!!   I will do everything I can to help you out in any way possible.   School stuff or other!!   I am going to try to make this as easy as I can for you and my expectations aren't high..... well maybe they are.... but we can adjust as we go when we find out what works.


Don't hesitate to reach out anytime



Instagram: @mutchmathmvhs

and my newest attempt

Tik Tok @mutchmvhs   lol



Thinking of you all!!


Stay safe, stay home and stay happy!

Mrs. Mutch  xoxoxo







Posted: April 5, 2020

Hi guys and girls!  One first big step as we begin online learning will be to access your student email.  Here are instructions if you forget how.  Please email me at if you have any questions. 

Posted: April 1, 2020

Hello, we are in the process of brainstorming and preparing for e-learning. I will likely use this page, Microsoft Teams and continue to use my Teacher Facebook and Instagram page.   Stay tuned for more details. 

Miss you all 

Mrs. Mutch

Posted: September 7, 2016

Welcome new students and welcome back former students!! You can find daily notes and updates on my Teacher Facebook page: 

Posted: September 21, 2015

Here is a copy of last year's entire unit on Linear Inequalities (Chapter 5 in text)Things change slightly from year to year but this is a very good guide of what we will be doing this unit.Extra help is available by request at lunch or ask questions 24/7 on "Mrs. Mutch's Math Page" on facebook. ( I will reply when I can)   

Posted: September 21, 2015

Welcome new students and welcome back former students!!   I keep PDF versions of the units for each course here but I also use facebook (Mrs. Mutch's Math Page - link below) to post lessons and notes of upcoming events. current classes:P1 - Foundations 11P2 - Foundations 11P3 - Foundations 12P6 - Pre-Calculus 12ACourse Outlines attached

Posted: November 24, 2014

I am pleased to announce that I will now be able to offer extra Math help on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during I.S.

Posted: November 24, 2014

PDF icon 2014-18-11_chapter_7.pdf11.56 MB
