Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19 Notes

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders


Posted: November 30, 2011

Please read to the end of chapter 20 for tomorrow!

Posted: November 30, 2011

Wow, what a morning!  Today our Writing 110 class visited Gretna Green Elementary School to share our storybooks and writing lesson plans with the students.  We were a bit nervous at first, but after the first 15 minutes, the students were naturals!  We all walked away feeling enriched.  Thank you to Mr. Comeau, Ms. Simmons, and the Gretna Green staff for hosting us at your school.  Check out my "links" to be brought to Gretna Green's image gallery from the morning.  I will also be uploading my own pictures and videos shortly.

Posted: November 28, 2011

Writing 110: Books must be ready for binding tomorrow.  Remember to get your waiver forms signed. English 112: Read up to p.133 for tomorrow. English 10: Read up to the end of chapter 19 for tomorrow's class.

Posted: November 24, 2011

The Writing 110 students will be travelling to Gretna Green Elementary School on Wednesday, November 30th to present their storybooks and teach their writing mini-lessons.  The students must have waiver forms signed by their parents or guardians, and returned to me.

Posted: November 24, 2011

English 112: Read up to page 133 for Tuesday.  Friday and Monday are project days. English 10: Read chapter 16 for tomorrow.  Today was a project day.  Students worked on their proposals - a reminder that these proposals need to be handed in to me ASAP.  I am attaching the project information below.
File pbl_tkam.docx14.48 KB
File possible_project_areas.docx16.29 KB

Posted: November 22, 2011

English 112: Today we read and discussed chapter 6.  Please read chapter 7 for Thursday.  Tomorrow is a project day! English 10: Today is project day - we will be working on our proposals.  Please read to the end of chapter 14 for Wednesday.

Posted: November 21, 2011

English 10: Today we discussed the key points from chapters 9 and 10.  Read to the end of chapter 14 for Wednesday's class.  Tomorrow is a project day. Writing 110: Writing students will be visiting Gretna Green Elementary School on November 30th in the morning.  We have been diligant with our homework - keep it going! English 112: Today was a project day - students spent time writing proposals.  These proposals need to be handed in to me by the end of the day on Wednesday.

Posted: November 18, 2011

English 112: Period 4 - Read chapter 5 for Monday's class. English 10: Read chapters 9 and 10 of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Brainstorm project ideas!

Posted: November 16, 2011

English 112: Read to page 86 for Friday's class.  Period 4 must read it for tomorrow as the majority of the class will be attending the basketball game.

Posted: November 14, 2011

English 112: Finish reading chapter 3 for tomorrow.  We will begin our project based learning module tomorrow. Read to page 68 - "There they are..." for Wednesday.   English 10: Read chapter 5 for tomorrow.  Also, complete the left hand column of the Scout Shift Chart if you were not able to finish it in class.  This needs to be handed in to me.
File scout_shift_chart.docx10.43 KB

Posted: November 10, 2011

Writing 110: Complete the individual homework assignment given to you. English 112: Finish reading chapter two of Lord of the Flies for Monday.  Reading focus:  How do the boys demonstrate savagery in this chapter?  Track this on paper or by using sticky notes. English 10: Read to the end of chapter 4 of To Kill a Mockingbird for Monday.  There will be a reading check.

Posted: November 9, 2011

English 112: Finish reading chapter one of Lord of the Flies.  Reading focus:  How do the characters of Ralph and Jack differ? English 10: Be sure that chapter one of To Kill a Mockingbird is read for tomorrow.  If you have not already handed it in, please complete your flash fiction pieces for tomorrow.

Posted: November 8, 2011

English 10: Don't forget that your narratives are due tomorrow! English 112: We are starting our novel study of Lord of the Flies.  We will be reading chapter one tomorrow!

Posted: November 3, 2011

English 10: Today was our last day for drafting our flash fiction pieces.  Your final copies are due on Wednesday.

Posted: November 1, 2011

Writing 110: Writers Notebooks are being collected on Thursday.  Please make sure that you have a minimum of ten quick writes. English 112: "The Most Dangerous Game" activities are due tomorrow.  
