Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19 Notes

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders


Posted: April 19, 2012

English 10: Read chapter 16 for Monday's class.  You should be starting to work on your theme noteboooks.  Also, students in group 1 for the video connections should prepare their written connection and practice for Wednesday.  The groups are listed in the attached document below.   English 112: Read the article "The Littlest Killers" from the New York Times.  Write a one page single-spaced reflection that compares the article to the novel Lord of the Flies.  Be sure to use quotes from both the novel and the article to support your reflection.  The article can be found at the following link:
File video_connections.docx13.71 KB

Posted: April 13, 2012

English 10:  Please read to the end of chapter 13 for Monday's class.  There will be a reading check! English 112: Read to page 133 - "They spread out nervously..." -- for Tuesday.

Posted: April 11, 2012

English 10: Remember to read to the end of chapter 11 for tomorrow.  There will be a reading check! English 112: Today was a project day. Remember to read chapter 7 for tomorrow's class.  

Posted: April 10, 2012

English 10: On Monday and Tuesday of this week, guidance is in our room talking to you about course selection.  Please read to the end of chapter 11 for Thursday's class.   English 112: Today we read chapter 6 and began a group activity.  Tomorrow is a project day.  Please read chapter 7 for Thursday's class.

Posted: April 4, 2012

English 10: Read to the end of chapter 8 for Thursday. English 112: Read to page 86 for Thursday's class.

Posted: April 2, 2012

English 10: Finish reading chapter 5 for tomorrow. English 112: Read to page 68 for tomorrow.

Posted: March 30, 2012

English 10:  Read chapters 3 and 4 of To Kill a Mockingbird for Monday.  There will be a reading check quiz!English 112: Read to page 68 for Tuesday's class.  We will be talking about projects on Monday.

Posted: March 21, 2012

This is an important notice that I will be available for parent-teacher interviews at the following times: Thursday night: 4-5pm Wednesday morning: 9-11:15am The reason that I will be absent for parts of the interview times is because I am coaching one of our school's volleyball teams.  We have a game Thursday night and a tournament in Moncton, starting on Friday afternoon.  If you would like to make an appointment, please leave your phone number/email address on the sheet by my classroom door, or send me an email at   Thank you!

Posted: March 20, 2012

English 10: Today we started a creative extension for "Pit and the Pendulum".  Yesterday, we looked at the writer's craft, particularly word choice.  From that discussion, you had to pick one of those words and complete one of the following: 1. Create an original visual piece that portrays the word.  Your visual can be a sketch, painting, collage, even a sculpture, but remember that tone is essential. OR 2. Do ONE of the following tasks: a) text-to-self connection: put that word as the title at the top of your page.  Write a one page double spaced piece that describes a time in your life when you experienced this emotion. b) text-to-text connection: Think about your word and find another text that reminds you of that emotion.  The text could be a song, poem, picture, movie, story, etc.  Write a half page piece explaining why the text you have chosen connects with the word from our story. c) text-to-world connection: Think about your word and how it connects to something that is happening in the world, in your community, or in your school.  This piece should be one page double spaced. *Spelling and grammar count so try your best! This is due THURSDAY!   English 112A: Today you received an assignment on "The Most Dangerous Game".  It is due on Monday. Quotation Identification: State the speaker, listener, and significance (what it means and why it is important to the whole story) for each quote.  Answers must be written in paragraph form and demonstrate considerable analysis. 1.       “There is no greater bore than perfection”?(page 7) 2.       “Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and, if needs be, taken by the strong…I am strong.  Why should I not use my gift?  If I wish to hunt, why should I not?”  (page 9) 3.        “Rainsford…if you are within sound of my voice, as I suppose you are, let me congratulate you.  Not many men know how to make a Malay mancatcher.” (page 14) 4.       “Rainsford knew how an animal at bay feels.” (page 15 – There is no speaker or listener for this quote.  When this happens, state only the context and significance.) 5.       Target Skill – Creating graphic organizers for focused note-taking ·         Create a detailed graphic organizer that depicts how Rainsford’s character has changed from the beginning to the end of the story. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER RUBRIC Criteria 4 3 2 1 Organization Extremely well organized. Order &  structure of information is compelling and flows smoothly. Organized. Structure allows reader to move through content without confusion. Flows smoothly Somewhat organized structure allows reader to move through some of the content without confusion. Flow is sometimes interrupted. Poorly organized. A clear sense of direction is not evident. Flow is frequently interrupted. Content Thorough and insightful understanding of content. Quotes are used to support. Complete understanding of content. One quote is used to support. Shows some understanding of content.  Quotes are not used to support. Shows incomplete understanding of material. Creativity Clean design; high visual appeal; symbols/graphics used effectively. Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions; diagram has visual appeal; symbols/shapes are used. Cluttered design; low in visual appeal; symbols/shapes are not used. Shows minimal critical effort. Ideas Insightful and well considered ideas making multiple connections. Ideas are  considered; more than one thoughtful connection is made. Ideas are somewhat on topic; makes some connections. Ideas are unclear; few connections are made.        

Posted: March 18, 2012

English 10: Finish "Pit and the Pendulum" comprehension questions. English 112: Read "The Most Dangerous Game".

Posted: March 15, 2012

English 10: Don't forget that the homework sheet on "Sentry" is due tomorrow.  These are the questions: Comprehension Questions 1.         Find and quote ten words or phrases that Fredric Brown uses to evoke sympathy for the sentry. 2.       What is the irony of this story?  Is it verbal, dramatic, or situational irony? 3.       For the reader, the point of view switches at the end of the story.  How does this affect the way we perceive the story? 4.       How does looking at different points of view challenge a reader’s assumptions about a piece of writing? Creative Extension Choose to complete ONE of the following activities: Imagine you are the first sentry to capture an “alien” alive, and write a report of the encounter for your superior officer.  Place particular emphasis on how you managed to capture the alien, its reactions to you, the immediate apparent differences between the alien species and your own.  Remember to use the voice of the sentry to create an alien perspective and personality. Tell the same incident from the point of view of the human who is approaching the sentry. Find a current news article and rewrite it from the point of view of one of the characters, or an imaginary character that could have been part of the situation. English 112: Today we started to think metaphorically about character.  Using the character of Mary Maloney, students created an iceberg graphic organizer to demonstrate Mary's seen and unseen characteristics.  Today, we elaborated on this thinking by creating a chart that has us describe the connection between the chosen metaphors and Mary's character, all supoorted with quotes.  Remember to have your charts completed for tomorrow as there will be an in-class reflection to complete.

Posted: March 2, 2012

English 10: The following assignment was given today.  It is due the Wednesday after March Break.  Choose to do ONE of the following: VISUALIZATION ASSIGNMENT - One of the themes of this story is that war is unnecessary, especially when we are fighting our own countrymen - our brothers.  The key scene that expresses this message is the end.  Think about this scene and create a visual representation of the scene.  This can be hand drawn, pencil sketch or in colour.  If  you prefer not to draw, you can create the scene using programs such as Microsoft Paint, photoshop, or picnik.  The key is that it must be created by you.   OR   EXPOSITORY WRITING Watch the short film on the following link: Imagine that the soldier from the film you just watched, could write a letter to the sniper.  What advice would he give him on how to deal with his brother's death?   English 112: Today we wrote an in-class demand piece on "The Lottery".  Read the following instructions: Theme Layers Follow-Up: Yesterday you completed a theme layers chart.  This chart helped you to make connections between the text and your world.  Today you will write an in-class demand essay using the chart you have created as your brainstorm. Your essay will answer the following question: In the short story "The Lottery", what is Shirley Jackson's message regarding human nature and society? Be sure to have an introduction and conclusion, and two to three significant body paragraphs.  You may use your chart to assist you with writing the body of the essay.  Include at least two quotes from the story in your essay.  This essay is due in a legible copy at the end of the class.  Please staple your chart to the essay and try to remember to double space.

Posted: February 27, 2012

It's great to be back! English 10: Today I collected the homework on "Charles".  Be sure to get that into me as soon as possible.  Progress reports are going out on Thursday.  Writers notebooks are being collected on Thursday as well. English 112: "The Lottery Ticket" questions were collected.  We also read the short story "The Lottery".  We will be working with this story for the remainder of the week.

Posted: February 25, 2012

Hello girls! First of all, Mrs. Mac and I want to thank all of you for trying out this year.  You demonstrated dedication and determination to improve your skill.  We were only able to take twelve players on the team, but for the grade nines, don't be discouraged...we would love for you to try out again next year. We discussed this team in a lot of detail and we struggled with some of the final decision making (which is why this has taken so long to post).  The following girls are on the JV team: Sydney MacDonald Alyssa Dickinson Sarah Lynch Megan Lynch Allison Hare Sam Joe Kelsey English Mykayla Hallihan Rebekah Dube Lindsay Gallant Haley Doak Kendra Hamilton   For those girls who did not make the team, please feel free to come and see us.  We would love to sit down with you and explain how we came  to the decision. Our first practice as a team is on Monday after school.  Be on the court and ready to go at 3:45 sharp.  Practice should be done by 5:15pm. Thanks again! Mrs. Cabel and Mrs.MacDonnell

Posted: February 17, 2012

REMINDER: I will not be here next week because I will be marking the ELPA.  If you need to get in touch with me, I will be checking my email -   English 10: Personal Narratives were collected today.  Narratives that are handed in next week will be deducted 10% per day.  No homework for the weekend!!   English 112: We had a discussion today regarding the ads and disads of technology with regards to the article "Home Smart Home".  Students also completed a demand writing activity today.  Our next two short stories will focus on "lotteries" so students are asked to complete the following for Monday as a pre-reading activity: Imagine that you have won the lottery. Write a piece in the genre of your choice- 1. narrative - a story that centers on this topic (this can be written in first person or third person - it can include you or fictional characters) 2. expository - a step by step piece that states what you should do with the lottery winnings. 3. persuasive - argument piece that focuses on what winners should do with the money. 4. poem/song
