Mr. Sullivan

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 15, 2010

Please read the article and have your response handed in by Friday. Your question for this week: - Does this story resemble what you would typically consider a pirate story? - What do you think a pirate story should include? - Please use a Venn Diagram to display what you think should be in a pirate story, what is in THIS pirate story, and what similarities there are between the two. - You should then summarize the findings in 7-10 lines.

Posted: November 8, 2010

Please complete the following assignment for your article of the week. It is due on Friday. You are to write a half page summary of this article. In it you should include the following discussions: 1) What is the thesis of the article 2) What evidence do they use to support it? 3) What are the implications of the article? The top half of each page should be used to complete a graphic organizer for your summary The article can be found in the attachments.

Posted: November 8, 2010

Please bring your consent forms to me be Wednesday, November 10.

Posted: October 18, 2010

Your assignment for tonight is to print off a copy of lyrics from a song that you really enjoy. When you have printed the lyrics I would like you to make a list of all of the figures of speech that can be found in the song (use the list of poetry terms that I handed out last week). Do not forget to write down the examples of these figures of speech as well.   This assignment is due at the first of class on Tuesday, October 19.   The people who find the most figures of a speech in their song will get to play their song in the class, so if you want your song played you may have to do a bit of searching to find a song that has a lot of these figures of speech in it.   ps   I have attached a copy of the poetry terms handout for those who do not have it at home.
Microsoft Office document icon poetry_terms_handout.doc35 KB

Posted: October 13, 2010

Peer Evaluation Forms On the scripts for your presentations please list the names of all of your group members. Beside each name please give a ranking from 1-10 (10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest). Also add any comments you wish to pass on about your group members. These rankings will go towards the final mark for your presentations. Remember: a bad mark for one member does not mean a bad mark for you, so be honest with these.   I will be collecting the sheets tomorrow

Posted: September 22, 2010


Wed, Sep 29/10 9:00 pm
The final copy of your memoir is due. It is to be 2-4 pages Typed Double Spaced With proper title and format   -20% for every day that it is late.

Posted: September 22, 2010


Mon, Sep 27/10 9:00 pm
You will be tested on your ability to use various inferencing strategies to extract meaning from a word by placing it in the context of a story.

Posted: September 22, 2010


Thu, Sep 23/10 9:00 pm
The first draft of your memoir is due Specs: 2-4 pages double spaced due the first of class

Posted: September 22, 2010

The introductions (first paragraphs) for your memoirs are due tomorrow

Posted: September 15, 2010


Mon, Oct 4/10 9:00 pm
There is an in-class book report on the novels that you have been reading during our independent reading time. Make sure that your novel is read before this date!


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