Mrs. Pleadwell

Graduation 2018

Posted: May 5, 2020

Online Lesson 9

I want you to become familiar with your school email and other apps that are available to you with your account.

This lesson is fairly simple.  Please email me from your school email.  If you have never accessed it before, go to please read this document below.  Once you email me, we will go from there.

Posted: May 4, 2020

Online Lesson #10 - Please indicate this number when you send me your work.

Watch the video on trigonometry and try the attached assignment.  I have set the first one up for you so you follow that as an example.


PDF icon trig_assignment_1.pdf313.43 KB

Posted: May 1, 2020

Online Lesson 9 for Grade 11 students:

Simple Interest Lesson continued . . . This lesson is showing you how to find Principle, Rate and Time in addition to Interest.

Give the sheet a try.  I have set up a sheet for you do show your work on if you can print it off.  If not, follow the same setup on a sheet of looseleaf.  You must show your work but can check your answers with my key.

Note:  You have to use the brackets on your calculator for the bottom numbers!  And for some of the questions, you will have to convert your time answers to months.  To get from years to months, multiply by 12.

Send me a picture once you are done.


Posted: April 30, 2020

Online Lesson #9

Review the notes on Pythagorean Theorem and give the assignment a try.  Send me a pic of it when you are done indicating that this is Online Lesson #9.

Posted: April 29, 2020

Online Lesson #8

Here is the video for doing charts on Exercises 5 and 6.  Give them a try and send me a picture of your completed work.

If you wish to move forward with some more excel on your own, here is a link for you to use.  I will attach a handout with the instructions.  Again, send me pictures of what you do.

PDF icon excel_bonus_assignments.pdf487.04 KB

Posted: April 29, 2020

Online Lesson 8 for Grade 11 students:

Watch the video on Simple Interest and try the questions.

Please note:  If you are just going to copy my answers down and send it to me, you are wasting our time.  If you truly want to participate in the online learning, you must show your work as you would in the classroom.  I am only providing the answers as I don't want anyone to complete a sheet incorrectly without knowing it.  So, again, show your work as I do in the video.


Posted: April 28, 2020

Online Lesson #8

If you have been keeping up, you should be able to do the attached assignment.  I am not attaching the answer key this time so please send me a picture of your completed work and I will let you know how you have done.

The questions must be done in the order they are written. For example, 'a' must be done before 'b'. The measure of each angle must be indicated along with the appropriate theorem in brackets.  Work must be shown for the algebra questions.

PDF icon theorem_assignment.pdf79.12 KB

Posted: April 27, 2020

Online Lesson #7

Here is a video on how to do charts in excel.  You will need to have your exercise 1 and 2 complete from previous lessons in order to complete the charts.  The app verison of excel may be a bit different than the desktop version that I used so just do your best but reach out if you are stuck.

Posted: April 27, 2020

Online Lesson #7

Today's assignment is really just a review of things you already know before we get into the Finance Unit.  Do the attached assignment using the notes on the side in the boxes.  I have provided a sheet for you do put your answers on if you want to use it.  The key is also attached for you to check your own work.  Send me picture of any assignments you have completed.

Posted: April 23, 2020

Online Lesson #7

Watch the video on using algebra to solve angles.  I am attaching two sheets and the answers.  You do not have to do them all, rather I would suggest you do the ones that are different than ones you have already tried.



GMF 10 - Simple Interest
GMF 10 - Unit 1 Review Sheet B - Answers
GMF 10 - Unit 1 Review Sheet A - Answers
GMF 10 - Currency Exchange Homework

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