Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: April 14, 2014

Schedule...Station #1 - Displays in gym (ASF, MV Fly Fishing Club, Charlie's Heritage Pictures, MGSAR, DFO, MVHS Env. Sci. 120, Peter Clark, Sylvie Clark, DNR, MSA)Station #2 - Fly Casting Techniques Station #3 - Fly TyingStation #4 - Knot TyingStation #5 - ArcheryPresentations...  MGSAR (11 am) and DFO (1 pm)Demonstrations...  Miramichi Fly Fishing Schools (1 pm) and Canoe/Kayak NB (2 pm)

Posted: April 14, 2014

Many thanks to Peter Clark for stopping by our class and sharing his stories.  Check out his website...
We discussed nutrients and how they cycle through an ecosystem.  Also looked at teh water cycle... HOMEWORK:  Create water cycle from given terms
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_april_9.pdf1.77 MB

Posted: April 8, 2014

We reviewed species interactions and discussed the 3 types of ecological pyramids: 1)  Biomas 2) Numbers 3) EnergyBe sure to get the notes and study!  HOMEWORK:  Buidl your own pyramid assignment
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_april_8.pdf7.01 MB
We finished up the interactions with species.  ECO-POINT OPPORTUNITY...find pictures/video examples for each of these interactions.  Also looked into tomorrow's CASE STUDY on the Snow Goose.  ECO-POINT OPPORTUNITY...Nature interlude on a species.HOMEWORK:  Eco-Points
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_april_7.pdf2.49 MB

Posted: April 3, 2014

We looked into the how species interact with eachother.  Be sure to get the notes...  There are some great videos within the lesson.  Eco-point opportunity:  find some youtube videos that examples of the interactions that were discussed in the lesson.  Send the link to me: HOMEWORK:  Work on eco-point activities and research paper!
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_april_3.pdf4.83 MB

Posted: April 2, 2014

See attached Graphic Organizer...must be completed and passed in tomorrow.  Also worked on eco-point actrivties.  Be sure to add volunteering at the upcoming Fly Fishing Show (5 pts/hr and 10 pts/hr if you are presenting at a booth).  Also add 10 pts for tying a salmon fly next Friday and extra 5 pts if you send me a pic.HOMEWORK...1)  Graphic Organizer #22)  75 more eco-points (total of 150 completed)
PDF icon graphic_organizer_2.pdf291.86 KB
We took half the class to finish the lab.  We also watched some videos to follow-up the lab.  Rest of class was spent discussing the research paper and upcoming deadlines...THURSDAY, APRIL 3RD!1)  Graphic Organizer #22)  75 eco-points [marking for the completion of 150 eco-points]Homework...- complete lab report and work on above items 
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_mar._28.pdf1.98 MB


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Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


Added: Mon, Jan 22 2018