MVHS Make Notes

MakerSpace Hours: Monday's 3:30 - 4:30 & Thursday's 12:30 - 1:00


Posted: September 7, 2016

Check out these lesson for the details on the course, technologies & projects.

PDF icon period_4_-_sept._7.pdf68.92 MB

See attached word documents for developing your idea for project #2.  If you feel that you can make your idea into a business sure to complete the Business Model Canvas document as Brilliant Labs may support any required materials.  Also, use the SuperPowerChallenge notes on each section of this model for filling your own plan.  Otherwise, complete a project proposal much like you did for project #1.  Be sure to include relevant links, pictures, designs, materials, etc... to support your proposal.  Make sure to save the word document including the name(s) and project title.

NOTE:  Max this time is two per group or done individually.  I will announce due date on these documents next week.

Congratulations to the groups that participated in the North Shore Regional STEM Fair at JMH on Tuesday - Wil/Zach;  Ben/Eric; Dylan/James/Gui.  It was a great day for everyone who participated.  Next up is an opportunity to participate in River Valley Science Fair held at UNB Fredericton on April 15.  Because of travel challenges, ASD-North does not coordinate travel for this event.  However, we will make arrangements to make sure you are able to participate if interested.
Here is some more information on going further with your STEM projects...
  • Registration Deadline for the event is April 8.
  • This event requires a Written Report submitted when the project is registered (an sample report can be found here...
  • Project has a maximum of 2 students.
All info for River Valley Science Fair can be found on their website...

Posted: March 22, 2016

Here is what we discussed today...

-  MakerSpace meeting from Friday...moving forward with upcoming projects

-  ASD North STEM Fair...

    Deadline is March 24th - TechPoints for submitting

-  Jalloo...Drone Races & 3D Print Contest...

-  National Skills Competition...

-  Online Journal is due from last week

-  Email Tinkercad assignment (take a picture if having trouble downloading .stl file)

With over 100 submissions from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, MVHS has made the top 10 for NB with TWO entries...

Beacons for the Community - congrats to Shafkat Ahmed!

S.T.E.V.E - congrats to James Murphy, Jonathan Grant and Chris Cooke!

Now, these groups will be meeting with a mentor/coach to help prepare a 'pitch' to make their idea a reality with financial support.  The finals will be on April of luck to these groups! 

Here is the details on the next stage...the PITCH:

Here are the others that have been selected:

Posted: March 15, 2016

PDF icon assignment_-_tinkercad.pdf191.57 KB

Posted: March 4, 2016

There now should be 2 journal entries with updates on your projects.  Be sure to include details, pictures, video clips and website links to support your journal entries.  I will be marking these on the Sunday before we come back - edit and add content over the break!

Many thanks to Kevin and Rick for not only delievering the Ditto Pro 3D Printer that we now can use in the MakerSpace, but also inspiring some awesome ideas on cutting edge technologies.  Be sure to check out these websites to follow-up...

Kevin's Homepage:

3D Print Contest & STEM Drone Races...volunteer for #TechPoints:

123Catch Autodesk Software:

Sphero Drones:

TinkerCAD for 3D design:


Posted: February 11, 2016

Instructions on what needs to be included in your project proposal. 

PDF icon task_1_-_project_proposal.pdf320.51 KB

Posted: February 10, 2016

Using the attached poster, research the homepages to the technologies you are interested in using with a project.  You may also want to search within YouTube to see project ideas involving the technology.  Here are some other websites that will help with project ideas...

When you are finished researching, complete the following survey checking YES TO YOUR 3 INTEREST AREAS...

PDF icon workstation_posters.pdf1.26 MB

After today's build you should a better appreciation of what 'MAKE' is all about.  Take time and check out the links given on Thursday and do some research into what project ideas you would like to do within the class.

PDF icon period_3_-_feb._8.pdf2.08 MB

Posted: February 4, 2016

PDF icon period_3_-_feb._4.pdf764.11 KB
PDF icon period_3_-_feb._4.pdf764.11 KB
