MVHS Make Notes

MakerSpace Hours: Monday's 3:30 - 4:30 & Thursday's 12:30 - 1:00


Posted: February 13, 2018

We will be working to complete the 1) Safety Orientation and 2) WHMIS modules in class today.  If you do not complete in can also do this at home.  Go to the website to register (I will give you a pin number), print your confirmation to get login codes and begin working through the modules.  Print certificate when finished each module.

Posted: February 12, 2018

Be sure to click on the given links...

PDF icon researching_project_ideas.pdf270.49 KB

Posted: February 7, 2018

Check out the PowerPoint that showcases all of the projects that have been done in the MakerSpace.  As well, check out the link to the Bristlebot Challenge...we will be doing this next day!



Posted: February 7, 2018

Check out this lesson for information on the course and link to a video that showcases some of the projects down since we started this MakerSpace.

PDF icon course_intro_mvhsmake_projects.pdf110.9 MB

Posted: December 22, 2017

since the last journal entry a few things have happend that are worth mentioning like we finally got some actual artifacts to scan such as a rock spear head and a rock axe head wich were both extremly hard to scan until we finally thought of shutting the lights off wich helped the scanner not get a glare and for us to not get a glare wich was nice because we were finally able to make some progress. one problem we were having is our school ipad did an automatic software update wich caused the apple id to log out, the problem is is that we dont know the password and the district will not respond. the final thing that happened was we ordered our own structure scanner.

Posted: December 4, 2017

since we have started this project late we havent had a whole lot of time to figure some things out. however shanes first project was all based around 3d printing and scanning so its not like were learning a new skill completly from scratch. what we have done so far is became aqquainted with the structure scanner and tried scanning a few small items such as a paint chipper wich worked horribly and a pledge can witch turned out great. since our whole project is about scanning artifacts we are gunna have to work out the kinks when scanning smaller items.

Posted: November 16, 2017

Posted: November 15, 2017

Here is what needs to be done by the end of class Thursday, November 16th...

1)       Complete all the necessary components to the project #2 proposal (see previous post).

2)       Login in the MakerSpace page and upload your proposal using the ‘documents’ tab.

3)       Create a new static page and start the name with !! before the project name.

4)       Link your proposal to your static project with the date and label it as Journal #1 entry


 When these tasks are completed, continue researching your project #2 ideas and develop a plan for begin work on Monday!

Posted: November 9, 2017

Here are some great websites for project ideas/builds...


Planning is key to any successful project!  You will now begin to brainstorm and research project ideas.  This project can be done in pairs or individually (groups of 3 need my approval).  Keep in mind that the technologies in the MakerSpace are available for all groups but I am hoping that a pair of students will take ownership of a particular technology.  As well, I encourage students to use more than one technology in their final project build.  Since many of these technologies are new, start with easy objectives in the beginning in order to strengthen your skillset.  


See attached rubric (NOTE:  Double the value since this is your second proposal) for more details on what needs to be in your proposal.  Also attached is the blank word and rename.  Email with completed details by Wednesday, Nov. 15th.



PDF icon rubric.project_proposal.pdf276.62 KB
File project_2_proposal.docx24.16 KB

Posted: November 9, 2017

Here are some great websites for project ideas/builds...


Planning is key to any successful project!  You will now begin to brainstorm and research project ideas.  This project can be done in pairs or individually (groups of 3 need my approval).  Keep in mind that the technologies in the MakerSpace are available for all groups but I am hoping that a pair of students will take ownership of a particular technology.  As well, I encourage students to use more than one technology in their final project build.  Since many of these technologies are new, start with easy objectives in the beginning in order to strengthen your skillset.  


See attached rubric for more details on what needs to be in your proposal.  Also attached is the blank word and rename.  Email with completed by Wednesday, Nov. 15th.



The Project #1 Presentation/Summary Video makes up 25% of your overall mark.  I have attached scoring rubrics for each so you know my expectations.  Presentations will start on Monday, November 6th and will also be on Tuesday, November 7th.  Order of presenting will be drawn on Thursday and posted on the whiteboard.  Both presentation and summary video MUST BE SAVED ON MY DESKTOP BY THE END OF CLASS TUESDAY, November 7th!  Here are the links to the presentations done last semester along with the our YouTube channel playlist of summary videos for examples.

June 2017 Presentations...

YouTube Channel Playlist...

