Scholarships Notes

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Posted: May 25, 2017

Two fully paid tuition bursaries for NB residents who demonstrate financial need, a personal interest in technology and/or entrepreneurship and a plan to enroll in Oulton College’s 2017 Web & Mobile Development or Marketing, Sales & Business Development program.

Apply online at BIT.LY/YUBURSARY   Application deadline is July 14th, 2017.

New Brunswick Federation of Labour Awards for 2017—Awards are valued at $500 and applications are due on June 30th, 2017. 

James A. Whitebone Memorial lScholarships—These two scholarships are available to students entering their first year of post-secondary studies.  Eligible are members, or their children, who belong to local unions affiliated with the NBFL. 

Tim McCarthy Environment Prize—This prize is open to NBFL members or their children, who are pursuing higher education in fields relating to environmental protection and education.  Applicants may be in their first or subsequent years of post-secondary studies.

NBFL Solidarity Bursaries—These two awards are open to any person regardless of union membership pursing post-secondary education full-time or enrolled in high school at the grade 12 level.  Funded by AIL Canada, a unionized insurance provider, they serve to promote greater awareness and understanding of the value of unions. 

J. Harold Stafford Humanitarian Award—This award is to assist with funding for worthwhile union and community projects.  Eligible for consideration are local union members and labour councils affiliated with the NBFL undertaking labour history projects, labour libraries, Day of Mourning monuments, etc., as well as retraining programs owing to plant downsizing or closures. 

Dermot Kingston Life Long Learning Award—The purpose of this award is to encourage and support continuous training and literacy programs for workers.  Eligible for consideration are NBFL affiliates, as well as provincial and community projects and workplace related training activities including union developed programs. 

Pita Pit Miramichi Community Champion Bursary--there will be two $1000 bursaries awarded to successful high school graduates from the Miramichi area.  The student must have been accepted into an accredited post-secondary institution to be considered for this bursary.  Awarding of this bursary will be based on financial need, academic standing and community involvement. 
Completed applications must include:
  • Application Form
  • Transcript of Marks
  • Letter of Acceptance from a Post-Secondary Institution
  • Personal Essay
The application form is attached and is available in Guidance.  Deadline is June 2nd, 2017.  Applications may be handed into the main office or returned to:
Pita Pit Miramichi
2374 King George Hwy
Miramichi, NB
E1V 6V9
PDF icon pita_pit_bursary.pdf151.2 KB

Application is attached and is available at the main office.  Deadline is Fridya, May 19th, 2017.

PDF icon robert_mathews_memorial_scholarship.pdf192.59 KB

The list of local bursaries and scholarships is attached, as well as the application form.  Although they are accessible here, we would ask that students pick up the forms at the main office as they are colour-coded.  Due date is May 26th, 2017.


These have been posted or are available in Guidance.  This due dates are listed on the form.

This scholarship is valued at $1000 and is awarded to a student from the Douglastown service area (applicants must live between French Fort Cove and Bartibogue).  Applications is attached and is available in Guidance.  Deadline is May 31, 2017. 

This bursary valued at $500.00 is sponsored by the Schizoprenia Society of NB Inc.--Miramichi Chapter.  Applicants must be entering a university or community college with preference given to students entering social sciences.  It will be awarded based on need and involvement in community and extra curricular activities. Application is attached and will be available in Guidance.  Deadline is May 25th, 2017. 

Valued at $1000. Eligible students must be registered as a full-time student (first-year program) in a post-secondary school for September, 2017, provide documentation to confirm acceptance, have sponsorship from an educator, include a motivation letter, a transcript, and a resume.  Applications are available in Guidance.  Deadline is May 15, 2017.





Posted: April 26, 2017

Two awards valued at $500 are awarded by the New Brunswick Federation of Labour.  The objective of the award is to encourage greater public awareness and understanding of the value to workers and society.  Applicants must be pursuing post-secondary education on a full-time basis or enrolled in high school at the grade 12 level.  Applications are available in Guidance.  Submission deadline is June 30, 2017.

Two scholarships valued at $500 are awarded by the New Brunswick Federation of Labour.  The scholarships are for first year attendance at any university in the Atlantic provinces or first year attendance in a two year program at NBCC, except where the desired academic program is not available in the region.  Sons and daughters, or legal wards of members and deceased members, or members in good standing, of a local union affiliated with NBFL.  Selection criteria include graduation marks, aptitude, promise and need.  Applications are available in Guidance.  Submission deadline is June 30, 2017.

Posted: April 26, 2017

Valued at $500 is awarded by the New Brunswick Federation of Labour to a student to encourage post-secondary studies of one or more years duration in fields relating to environmental protection and education.  Eligible to apply are sons and daughters of members and deceased members or, members in good standing, of local unions affiliated with the NBFL.  Selection criteria include aptitude for environmental studies, promise, need and future benefit to society and the environment of the applicant’s chosen area of study.  Applications are available in Guidance.  Submission deadline is June 30, 2017.

Open to those graduates pursuing post-secondary education with ties to Chatham Head or the Community Centre.  Application is attached and is available in Guidance.  Due on May 19, 2017 at MVHS Main Office.

CUPE Local 3863 John James Bryenton Memorial Bursary--valued at $500  for students' first year attendance at any university, college, or community college.  Preference will be given to sons and daughters or legal wards of members of CUPE Local 3863.  It is awarded based on marks, aptitude, promise and financial need.  Applications are available in Guidance and must be returned to the Education Committee of Local 3863 no later than April 30, 2017.

Posted: April 18, 2017

The 2017 Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship will offer annual post-secondary grant(s) to former or present IWK patients. Applicants may be entering any year of post-secondary studies to be eligible.


The deadline to apply is Friday, April 28, 2017


The Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship Fund was created by a group of dedicated donors interested in paying tribute to the Shaw family for their long-term commitment to making the world a better place.


Specifically, Robbie and Jean love the IWK and they believe in the potential and passion of every young person to make a meaningful difference, in part, thanks to a strong educational foundation. IWK children and youth have a special place in Robbie and Jean's hearts because of their long term professional and volunteer experience with the IWK Health Centre and the IWK Foundation.


Applications are attached, and can be downloaded at, and submitted to:


IWK Foundation
B220-5855 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, NS   B3H 4S2

Attention Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship


For more information, call 902.470.8085 or 1.800.595.2266, or email

