Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19 Notes

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders


Posted: February 11, 2014

English 10 - We have been working really hard on the researching aspect of our essays.  The last two days were spent in the computer lab finding reliable resources for our research essays.  Tomorrow, you will have class time to highlight your information.  This is similar to the close readings that you have become used to.  On Thursday, I will do a homework check.  All information must be highlighted at that time.

Posted: December 17, 2013

1. Your test will be on Thursday, even if there is a snowstorm tomorrow.  I will attach the review sheet for those who did not get a copy. 2. Don't forget that your interview project is due on Friday.
File study_questions_for_tkam_test.docx16.09 KB

Posted: December 6, 2013

English 10: Today we read ch.28.  Remember to conduct your interviews before Monday's class - we will start to put our projects together then.  Also, homework for Tuesday is to write a thematic paragraph (see attached document) and to staple your completed theme tracking sheet to it.

Posted: December 5, 2013

English 10: Today, we read chapter 27 and looked at how the author uses suspense in that chapter.  Writing 110: Poetry anthologies are due tomorrow at the coffeehouse!

Posted: December 4, 2013

English 10: As of today, we have finished up to chapter 26.  Today we completed a poetry activity that allowed students to work in groups and note the connections between the poems and the novel.   Writing 110: We have been working on our poetry anthologies.  A reminder that they are due on Friday at our coffeehouse.  Students are encouraged to bring in snacks for the coffeehouse.

Posted: December 3, 2013

Due Friday!

Posted: November 29, 2013

English 10 -  Students were to have finished reading ch.20 for today's class.  Today, we will read ch.21.  Ch.22 and 23 must be read for Monday.  Also, Mayella Ewell assignments are due on Monday. For Tuesday, have interview questions finished as well as a "locked in" interview time for your project.   Writing 110: Poetry coffeehouse will be next Thursday.  Make sure that you work on your anthologies over the weekend.

Posted: November 21, 2013

English 10: Please read ch.16 for Monday.

Posted: November 20, 2013

English 10: Today we read chapter 15 of the novel.  Tomorrow will be a project day.  Please read chapter 16 for Monday. Writing 110: Please remember to get your waiver forms signed for tomorrow.  Remember to report to the classroom and then we will leave for Gretna Green at 8:45am.

Posted: November 19, 2013

On Thursday morning of this week, the Writing 110 class will be travelling to Gretna Green Elementary School to deliver writing lessons to the students.  We are very excited for this opportunity! Students, please remember to get your waiver forms signed.

Posted: November 19, 2013

Today, the grade tens began a very important project for our To Kill a Mockingbird unit, which involves them interviewing family and community members, and making connections to our novel.  See the document below for details on the project.

Posted: November 19, 2013

Please read chapters 13 and 14 for tomorrow's class.

Posted: November 18, 2013

Period 4 - English 10: Please finish reading chapters 11 and 12 of To Kill a Mockingbird for tomorrow.  

Posted: November 8, 2013

English 10 - Please read chapters 4 and 5 over the weekend.  There will be a reading check on those two chapters on Tuesday.

Posted: October 31, 2013

All of my classes created a piece of horror flash fiction today.  See the attachment for the assignment.
File horror_flash_fiction.docx11.93 KB
