Ms. Kelly

Language Arts 9

Posted: September 8, 2014

Personal Essay: We are still looking at traits of the personal essay and examining mentor texts for those traits. You will have to pick your essay topic this week, so start thinking of possible topics.  Please have your Writer's Notebook and SSR book on Tuesday.

Posted: September 8, 2014

Reminders:Please have your Writer's Notebooks for Tuesday's class, as well as an SSR book if you haven't found one already. Assignments: Awesome Assignment is due on Thursday, September 11. This is based on the quick writes we did based on The Book of Awesome. You are to focus on one awesome thing and write one page, double-spaced about that thing. Please use proper formating (name, teacher, class and date in the top left hand corner), and remember that 10% will be deducted for each day late.

Posted: September 5, 2014

Welcome to Grade 9 Language Arts!  A few reminders about what you need for Monday:-a hardcover journal for your Writer's Notebook-a novel to read during SSR-one awesome thing (from the two Quick Writes we did today)

Posted: May 22, 2014

Due tomorrow:   "The Highwayman" analysis questions Article of the Week #6

Posted: May 7, 2014

Today we started a multigenre project, and you were asked to find a book that you will be able to finish by May 30th (with classtime provided for reading). The next two days will be for reading (and making sure you have a book you are comfortable with and enjoy). The books can be any genre.   By Monday, have enough of the book read so that you will be able to talk to me about it and we can find a theme or issue to focus your project on.

Posted: April 3, 2014

Due dates for Creative Extensions:   #1: Monday, April 7 #2: Monday, April 28   Remember that you can complete them in any order (A or B first), and 10% is deducted for every date late.  
Microsoft Office document icon creative_extensions.doc41.5 KB

Posted: March 24, 2014

Literary Essay on The Outsiders   Due: end of the day, March 25   You will have another class in the library tomorrow to finish typing your essay, and you can use I.S. time to finish it up and get the essay passed in by 3:20.   See the attached document for proper MLA format and Works Cited page. Reminders: 12 point font and double-spaced.
File sample_essay_format.docx11.04 KB

Posted: March 12, 2014

Due to my absence prior to March Break when a lot of assignments were turned in, Progress Reports for my Period 1 and 2 classes will not be going out until March 13.

Posted: March 11, 2014

Research Essays are due on Friday, March 14   Please pass in the following with your essay: position/support web outline draft Essays should be in MLA format (12 point font, double-spaced, works cited page and proper name/date format).   10% will be deducted for each day the essay is late.

Posted: March 11, 2014

Yesterday you planned out your literary essay on The Outsiders, and today we went through a model of an introduction, with a hook, bridge and thesis statement. Your homework is to write your essay introduction, and finish your position/support web if you haven't already.    
