Ms. Kelly

Language Arts 9

Posted: September 16, 2013

Today we discussed dialogue and how to incorporate it into your snapshot moments. We read an excerpt from Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden, and looked at how dialogue is used in his snapshot moment. The rest of the class was for working on your snapshot moment drafts, which will be collected later this week.   Please make sure your reading goals are complete and your Writer's Notebook is organized. Period 3 and 4 notebooks will be collected tomorrow.   See Friday's post for information on setting reading goals.

Posted: September 16, 2013

Today we looked at the persuasive voice, style and word choice in "A Senseless Death in a Dangerous Age," talked about organizing your essays (specifically writing leads), and you had time to draft. Personal essay drafts are due on Thursday.   Your article of the week for this week was also handed out, and is due on Friday.
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Posted: September 13, 2013

Today in class we discussed your reading records and reading goals for the term (now until mid-October) Reading Records Keep these in the reading section of your Writer's Notebooks, and keep track of the novels you are reading. You don't have to fill out the columns on number of pages read or date pages read.   Reading Goals We talked about the importance of setting personal reading goals for yourself, and everyone set two goals for the first term of this semester. The goals should be challenging, but something you think you can achieve in a month. Goal ideas: Read a certain number of books, read something out of your comfort zone, read more each day, read an entire series of books, etc. See me if you need help setting your goals.   In the reading section of your writer's notebook, fill out the following for each goal: 1. Goal: 2. Reason: why did you set this goal? Why is it a challenge? 3. Plan: how do you plan on achieving this goal?  

Posted: September 13, 2013

Article of the Week Today your Article of the Week was due. If you haven't completed it, please pass it in on Monday.   Personal Essay Mentor Text We are continuing to look at mentor texts of personal essays,and today you read "A Senseless Death in Our Age of Anger." I asked you to look for the following things in the essay, and have your annotated essay with you on Monday: -the author's style -persuasive techniques -interesting words/phrases  
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Posted: September 10, 2013

Colours of Conviction Assignment: due Thursday (started in class today) Article of the Week: due Friday (annotated close reading and attached response).

Posted: September 9, 2013

Reminders:You should have your Writer's Notebooks organized into 5 sections by now. If you've been writing your Quick Writes on loose leaf, just fold the papers and put them in your notebook.We will have a library orientation during tomorrow's class, so starting Wednesday, you must have a book to read for SSR.Homework (for Wednesday):Bring in photographs for possible snapshot moments, or a list of potential snapshot moment topics.

Posted: September 4, 2013

Today we reviewed the course outline and course expectations. Please be prepared on Friday with a Writer's Notebook and a novel for SSR.
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Posted: September 4, 2013

Today you received the Language Arts 9 course outline and I reviewed the course expectations and materials covered. Please have your hardcover Writer's Notebook with you on Friday as well as a novel for SSR.
