Ms. Kelly

Language Arts 9

Posted: October 11, 2016

All students in my Grade 10 classes were given a print out of their current mark today. Any assignment in the Classwork category cannot be passed in late, however late assignments (such as Articles of the Week) can be passed in. They will not be marked unless they are needed for credit recovery at the end of the semester. Also, all assignments must be passed in to qualify for an academic incentive on the exam.

Posted: September 30, 2016

We started the short story unit yesterday with "Charles" by Shirley Jackson. We will be focusing on one short story element and one reading strategy for each story we read, and at the end of the unit you will be tested on the short story elements in each story. Keep good notes and don't lose your copies of each story.

I've attached a copy of "Charles" for those of you who need it to finish your homework.

PDF icon jackson_charles.pdf43.82 KB

Posted: September 26, 2016

Snapshot moments are due on Friday, September 30. Essays are to be typed and double-spaced in the MLA format I reviewed in class.

Posted: September 26, 2016

Your personal essay is due on Wednesday, September 28. Essays should be typed and double-spaced with proper name and date format (MLA format we went over in class). 10% will be deducted for each day late, and a note is required if you are absent from class on Wednesday.

Posted: September 19, 2016

Today we looked at an essay with lots of voice, and talked about how to organize your essay (you should have some notes). Tomorrow and Wednesday's classes will be for working on your drafts, and drafts are due on Thursday.

Posted: September 15, 2016

Don't forget: Article of the Week 1 is due tomorrow.

Posted: September 13, 2016

  • Due tomorrow: have one Thing I Know for Sure to share tomorrow; Colour of Conviction assignment due
  • Due Friday: Article of the Week #1


Posted: September 6, 2016

Welcome to English Language Arts 10! We're jumping right into things and starting the year with a personal essay, so be sure to show up to class prepared and ready to read and write. You'll need a novel for SSR and a Writer's Notebook as soon as possible (try to have them by Friday, September 9). I've attached the course outline.

Posted: September 6, 2016

Welcome to Writing 110! I look forward to writing and working with you this semester. I've attached the course outline, and don't forget to have a novel for SSR and a Writer's Notebook as soon as possible.

File writing_110.docx12.98 KB

Posted: April 5, 2016

Currently we are halfway through reading The Outsiders, and there have been several small assignments as well as reading homework. All work must be passed in by Friday in order to count on next week's report card.

  • You should have read up to Chapter 7. We are starting Chapter 8 tomorrow.
  • Chapter 1-3 questions were due last week, and if you didn't complete them, see me for a make up assignment.
  • What/So What or Quotation Illustration assingments are due on Thursday, April 7. You had classtime on Monday and today to work on these.


