Ms. Kelly

Language Arts 9

Posted: December 2, 2015

Due to the cancellation today, the figures of speech quiz will now be on Thursday, December 3. Here are the terms you need to know: Terms to know:alliterationallusionapostrophehyperboleirony (situational, dramatic and verbal)metaphoronomatopoeiaoxymoronpersonificationsimile

Posted: November 30, 2015

Figures of Speech Quiz: Wednesday, December 2 Terms to know:alliterationallusionapostrophehyperboleirony (situational, dramatic and verbal)metaphoronomatopoeiaoxymoronpersonificationsimile 

Posted: October 28, 2015

Extended Narrative AssignmentSo far in this unit, this is what we have done:Looked at sample extended narratives and discussed how they are made up of snapshot moments (it isn't necessarily a story told from beginning to end; rather, it is a collection of moments based in a place, or all about the same emotion or person)Sketched a place that is significant to youCreated a storyboard of memories you have of that placeWhere we are now:Decide on what memories from your storyboard to include in your narrative. What will be the theme that will tie everything together?Choose one of the moments and write it as a snapshot moment (due Friday) Other work:I passed back your snapshot moment assignments, and explained how the Independent Correction Sheet works. Make sure you show me the corrections so 10% isn't deducted from your assignment.Reading reflection #1 is due next Friday, November 6. Make sure you have your novel and assignment complete by then!

Posted: October 21, 2015

Today we looked at an example of an extended narrative, "14 Black Birch Lane."Read the piece as a writer, and identify the following elements: conventional artistry (all caps, italics, semi-colons, etc), snapshot moments, and emotion. I will be collecting this tomorrow.

Posted: October 14, 2015

Snapshot Moment AssignmentYour snapshot moment drafts have been returned with feedback, and the final version is due on Monday, October 19. The assignment must be typed and double-spaced, or written on white paper with pen.Please follow the correct name and date format (see attached document)10% will be deducted for each day late.Writer's NotebookYour writer's notebook will be collected next week, so please make sure your quick writes are in it and it is organized into the proper sections. See me if you need help with the sections.Reading Last week I went over your reading expectations for the semester: 1. Reading Goal: You were asked to set a challenging reading goal for yourself that you have until mid January to   complete. It could be to read books outside of your comfort zone, complete an entire series of books, or read a certain number of books. 2. Reading Reflections: for three of the novels you complete this semester, you need to complete a reading reflection. You have the four possible reading reflection assignments now, and you can can pick any one you want for each completed novel. We will be going over these in class so you are comfortable doing them. Due dates for the reading reflections are: November 6, December 11 and January 18. 
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File reading_reflections.docx50.18 KB

Posted: October 2, 2015

Snapshot moment drafts are due on MondayIf you didn't finish your close reading of the snapshot from Divergent, complete it for MondayPeriod 1: picture orders are due October 13

Posted: September 29, 2015

Snapshot Moment:You now have several examples of snapshot moments that use various writing techniques to slow down time. Use these mentor texts to help you with your draft, and continue writing. Drafts will be due on Monday, October 5 (they can be in your Writer's Notebook- no formal format required).  Immunization Clinic: This will be held during tomorrow's class. If you didn't pass in your signed consent form, bring it with you tomorrow.

Posted: September 21, 2015

Please bring in your signed immunization consent forms (even if it is a no)Period 1 students: I need your student information sheets signed and returned.Today we looked at snapshot moments in film and in writing. Please complete your close reading of "Violet," indicating descriptive words, strong verbs and evidence of emotion.

Posted: September 16, 2015

Immunization consent forms were sent home today. Please return these as soon as possible! Be sure to complete both tear-out forms.Awesome assignments are due on Friday- tomorrow's class will be for finishing it up and typing.

Posted: September 15, 2015

Student pictures will now be taken during tomorrow's class. Because of this change, your Awesome Assignment is now due on Friday, September 18. We will be going to the library during Thursday's class, so that time can be used for typing and finishing up the assignment.
