Ms. Cabel - Archived 09/19 Notes

Our grade nine boys in The Outsiders


Posted: October 6, 2016

Students are reminded that the final copy of their snapshot moments are due on Tuesday.  Also, Tuesday will be picture day.

Posted: September 22, 2016

I thought I would update where we are in class.  Students have chosen topics for their snapshot moments and we continue to look at mentor texts for examples of great writing.  Today we discussed the strategy of slowing time down through the lens of Elie Wiesel's Night.  We've also used Stephen King's The Body (better known as the film Stand by Me) to look at how he creates action, suspense, and creative dialogue in his writing.  The mentor text "Violet" showed students the importance of including emotion and sensory details in their writing.  As students move forward with their pieces, I hope that they will incorporate these techniques in their own writing.

Posted: September 16, 2016

Today we started an independent reading comprehension activity.  The sheet is attached and it is due on Tuesday.

File double-entry_journal.docx29.64 KB

Posted: September 15, 2016

Just a reminder that your "Awesome" pieces are due tomorrow!

Posted: September 13, 2016

Complete questions 1-4 in the Echoes text.

Posted: September 11, 2016

Please remember to purchase a hard cover writers notebook as soon as possible.  We will be starting to use them this week. 

Posted: September 11, 2016

For Monday: Please complete the What does it say?/What does it not say? chart for the Science of Instagram.  Be sure to also answer the question:  What does this chart tell us about our society?

File science_of_instagram.docx449.12 KB

Posted: September 7, 2016

The attached document will give parents information on the curriculum and how to communicate with me.

Posted: March 21, 2016

Grade 11: In class essay will take place tomorrow (Tuesday).  I am going for training at District office so there will be a sub.

Grade 10: Remember to complete your research essays by Wednesday!

*Articles of the Week will be given out tomorrow.  I am posting them on the website as well.

Posted: February 29, 2016

Okay guys - I've been sending out lots of texts through the Remind App this weekend, but I thought it would be a good idea to update the website as well.

Grade 10 - The leads/introductions of your research essays are due tomorrow!

Grade 11 - Your written analysis pieces are still due tomorrow.  I will attach the document with the assignment.  Remember that the "Articles" document on this webpage has all of the articles we've done this semester - you can choose any one to do your assignment on.  If you have any questions, you can email me or text me through the Remind App.

File article_analysis.docx11.69 KB

Posted: December 13, 2015

Open this template and use it for your Santa Claus letter to the grade three students.  We want the letters to look identical.
File santa_claus_letterhead.docx17.56 KB

Posted: December 10, 2015

Due Friday: Reading comprehension assignment - questions or graphic organizer.Due Monday: Lord of the Flies projectsThursday, December 17th: Lord of the Flies test

Posted: November 27, 2015

English 112 - Finish the reading comprehension sheet for Monday.  Read chapter 10 for Tuesday.Writing 110 - Finish your lead and two body paragraphs for Monday.
File lotf_comprehension.docx19.43 KB

Posted: November 23, 2015

Periods 1 and 3: Please have up to p.133 read for Tuesday.Period 6: Please read to the end of ch.7.Writing 110: Have your material highlighted for Tuesday.

Posted: November 13, 2015

Don't forget to do your close reading of the Mitch Albom piece for Monday.
