Ms. Harding Notes

*Mistakes allow thinking to happen*


Posted: April 27, 2016

Review questions and answers are posted.

PDF icon nrf_10_april_27.pdf473.84 KB

Posted: April 26, 2016

Prepare for test. Review questions were given out. Some are attached.

PDF icon april_26_nrf.pdf3.02 MB

Posted: April 25, 2016

Lesson attached. Homework is at end of lesson. Test will be Thursday this week. Functions, graphing, function notation, rate of change, domain/range, intercepts.

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Posted: April 19, 2016

Lessons are attached. Homework tonight is to go back over homework from last night to make sure that everyone understands function notation.

PDF icon april_18_nrf.pdf1.45 MB
PDF icon april_19_nrf.pdf917.95 KB

Posted: April 15, 2016

This post has been updated. The slides that were covered in Period 2 April 15 are now attached.

PDF icon nrf_april_15.pdf1.55 MB

Posted: April 14, 2016

Lesson attached.

PDF icon april_13_nrf.pdf2.25 MB

Posted: April 12, 2016

We started to review some prior knowledge skills such as domain and range. Students should also be able to identify a function and a non-function.

PDF icon april_11_and_12.pdf4.82 MB

Posted: April 7, 2016

Sci10- We looked at rearranging equations using opposit opperations. This is another prior knowledge skill that we reviewed to help them with upcoming physics topics. Students had a worksheet given to them that they can practice/work from for homework.

NRF10- Review slides are attached. Big topics are prime factorization, LCM, GCF, expanding, simplifying, factoring. Factoring involves GCF, simple trinomials, hard trinomials, difference of squares, and perfect square trinomials (a shortcut for special hard trinomials). Lots of extra practice included in the slides and a sheet on factoring was handed out in class. Students are asked to study/practice for homework so they are prepared for their test tomorrow.

PDF icon nrf_april_7.pdf3.94 MB

Posted: April 7, 2016

We have been looking at counting significant digits and proper rounding rules so the students will know how to express their final answer. We have also started to look at proper SI units and how to convert units. Most students have a good grasp on this already as it was a major component of GMF10 Math.

PDF icon april_6_science.pdf1.29 MB

Posted: April 6, 2016

Lessons attached. Test is Friday. Last bit of material was covered today and tomorrow will be practice/review so come tomorrow prepared with questions.

PDF icon april_5.pdf906.74 KB
PDF icon april_6.pdf2.39 MB

Posted: April 1, 2016

NRF10- This week we practiced factoring simple trinomials and got introduced to factoring hard trinomials. Student are reminded to always look for a GCF first, factor it out, and then look for a simple or hard trinomial to factor. Lesson attached.

Sci 10- This week we started the physics unit and practiced rounding final answers to the appropriate number of significant digits or decimal places. Students are responsible for knowing the rules for significant digits and rounding.

PDF icon nrf_march_29.pdf1.34 MB
PDF icon sci_march_29.pdf255.72 KB

Posted: March 23, 2016

NRF- lessons attached. Short quiz tomorrow. Students should be after to factor out the GCF from a polynomial, expand (by multiplying polynomials), and simplify (by collecting like terms) polynomials.

Sci- some notes/review attached. Final Chemistry test is tomorrow. Students should review their notes and the 4 quizzes that they have done. Have an understanding of matter, ionic compounds, molecular coumpounds, naming and writing out chemical formulas of compounds, balancing and idenifying types of reactions. Notes from throughout the unit have been posted along the way if days were missed.

Fin& Work 110- Quick notes on slope have been uploaded.

PDF icon finance_110-_slope.pdf83.34 KB
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Posted: March 18, 2016

Sci- Quiz. Copied topics for test next week. Ionic and covalent coumpound, identify reactants and products, identify reaction types, balance equations.

NRF- lesson attached.

PDF icon nrf10_march_18.pdf621.35 KB

Posted: March 17, 2016

NRF10- Wrote quiz/ Copied notes off chalkboard (Will post tomorrow)

Sci10- QUIZ TOMORROW. All students who did not have homework done for today are asked to be in my room tomorrow at lunch. Anyone who would like help is welcome to come! Lesson is attached. Students need to be able to recognize the 5 types of reactions and balance equations.

PDF icon sci_march_17.pdf1.06 MB

Posted: March 16, 2016

NRF- QUIZ TOMORROW - answer questions on prime factors, prime factorization, factors, GCF, LCM.

Sci10 - QUIZ FRIDAY - today we looked at single and double replacement reactions and continued to practice balancing. Another homework sheet was given. Homework will be checked tomorrow.

PDF icon sci_march_16.pdf1.03 MB
PDF icon nrf_10_march_16.pdf561.15 KB
